- About the Project
- Getting Started
- Authors
- Future Features
- Contributing
- Show your support
- Acknowledgements
- License
This project represents a segment of the Lendsqr Admin Console. For a comprehensive overview, you can explore the details in the linked video below.
- Admin login
- Save users to indexedDb
- Retrieved users data from indexedDb
- Retrieved single user details from indexedDb
- Update user status saved
- Login and Logout Functionalities
- Toast notification
- Filter users
- Blacklist user
- Activate user
- Responsiveness
- Unit Testing
To get a local copy up and running, follow these steps.
In order to run this project you need:
- A browser (e.g. Firefox)
- An IDE (e.g. Visusal Studio Code)
- npm
- Terminal
To clone this repository to your desired folder, follow the steps below:
Using the command line
- Use the following commands
cd my-folder
git clone https://github.com/Ezzywealth/lendsqr.git
Using GitHub Desktop app
Follow the steps below
- Visit this link "https://github.com/Ezzywealth/lendsqr"
- Click the green button labelled "code"
- Select the "Open with GitHub Desktop" option
- After the GitHub Desktop add opens, click the "clone repo" button
To run the project, execute the following command:
- npm install
- npm start
- Click Login button on the login page with pre-filled login details
- Add the following to your env file
REACT_APP_API = https://run.mocky.io/v3/39ea9fd0-3025-4287-a056-078c5df0f118
TO test the project using react testing library, execute the following command:
- npm run test
npm install
npm run test
You can deploy this project by:
- visit Vercel.com
- Register to get an account if you don't have one
- Click on Add new project
- Select project options
- Select lendsqr repo
- Deploy using vercel
👤 Ezekiel Udiomuno
- GitHub: @Ezzywealth
- Twitter: @Ezzywealth
- LinkedIn: Ezekiel Udiomuno
- [Full functional Navigation]
- [User profile settings and update]
- [Registration and AccessToken Implementation]
Contributions, issues, and feature requests are welcome!
If you like this project, give it a star
and let me know what you like in
We would like to thank...
- Microverse for the opportunity to take the assessment test.
This project is MIT licensed.