
We eat our data in a messy fashion, thank you.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


We eat our data in a messy fashion, thank you.




Manual Processing:

  1. Grab file from source (Oil & Gas Companies) as xls file
  2. Create to separate files fom both sheets in file with columns "Name", "HQ Location"
  3. Rename: "HQ Location" -> "Country"
  4. Save both files as canada1.csv, canada2.csv with , as delimiter (and , quoted in company names)


Processing with Google (Open) Refine:

  1. Download file from source
  2. Create a new project from within OpenRefine (http://openrefine.org)
  3. Create a text facet (filter) on column3 (GICS industry group) for groups "Energy" and "Materials"
  4. Export project/file as comma-separated CSV file
  5. Open file, remove 2nd, 3rd column (just company name remaining), rename column header to "Name" and add second empty column "country"
  6. Save as data/australia_YYYY-MM-DD.csv

Concession Data - OpenOil

Processing with Google Refine:

  1. Download TOTAL file with all concessions (if available) or otherwise download country concession files and concatenate to one file with csvtoolkit -> csvstack command
  2. Load into Google Refine
  3. Delete all columns except "ConcessionContractor"
  4. Split "ConcessionContractor" values and distribute to different rows ("Edit Cells" -> "Split multi-valued cells...")
  5. Export as CSV file, rename "ConcessionContractor" column to "Name", add empty "County" column
  6. Save as data/concession-companies_YYYY-MM-DD.csv


  • Source: -
  • Type: -


Getting Started:

$ cd /opt
$ git clone https://github.com/uf6/noodles

Meteor Frontend

$ curl https://install.meteor.com/ | sh
$ cd noodles/frontend
$ meteor

You should be able to access the application from http://localhost:3000

  • Load data into Mongo's meteor

Default local settings are for an external Mongo database. To run the importer with the meteor MongoDB, modify local_settings to

MONGO_URL = 'localhost'
MONGO_COLLECTION = 'documents'

In a python virtualenv

$ python noodles/manage.py load_mongo

Docker for Elasticsearch (optional):

$ docker pull dockerfile/elasticsearch
$ mkdir /opt/noodles-elastic
$ vi /opt/noodles-elastic

  logs: /data/log
  data: /data/data

$ mkdir /opt/noodles-elastic/data
$ mkdir /opt/noodles-elastic/log 
$ docker run -d -p 9200:9200 -p 9300:9300 -v /opt/noodles-elastic/:/data dockerfile/elasticsearch /elasticsearch/bin/elasticsearch -Des.config=/opt/noodles-elastic/elasticsearch.yml
$ /usr/bin/docker run -p 8089:80 -v /opt/noodles:/src -e VIRTUAL_HOST=noodles.iilab.org --privileged -d -t --name noodles iilab/static


$ python setup.py install
$ python noodles/manage.py ingest edgar
$ python noodles/manage.py index edgar

Run server

$ python noodles/manage.py runserver -p 7777