- 0
Failed test 'Treex/Core/ loaded ok'
#73 opened by eserte - 7
- 1
treex -p & Write to=file
#64 opened by ptakopysk - 0
German harmonization (Tiger to Prague) broken
#63 opened by dan-zeman - 3
CPAN dependencies of Treex::Core
#59 opened by dan-zeman - 4
Read::PDT cannot read PDT 2.5
#57 opened by ptakopysk - 4
Merging documents
#54 opened by dan-zeman - 0
Treex::Tool::LXSuite is missing in the repo
#52 opened by martinpopel - 4
lxsuite_key is required
#42 opened by martinpopel - 2
check CR in Czech and try to enhance it
#36 opened by michnov - 1
Frontier::Client is missing
#43 opened by martinpopel - 0
- 0
aligned role + bidirectional alignment to Core
#47 opened by michnov - 0
fill in possessor's genders to the multi_gram/gender wild attribute of possessive pronouns
#41 opened by michnov - 0
- 0
unnecessary #PersPron is removed before its person grammateme is propagated to a node translated from Czech reflexive pronoun
#39 opened by michnov - 0
- 0
different genders assigned to two en_tst coreferential personal pronouns in cs->en
#35 opened by michnov - 0
- 2
- 0
non-determinism in A2T::CS::MarkTextPronCoref
#8 opened by michnov - 0
- 9
Write::Treex renders the iset structure invalid
#23 opened by dan-zeman - 0
Gazetteers: enable them in the *->en directions
#10 opened by michnov - 0
Gazetteers: specify sources
#9 opened by michnov - 1
- 1
Fused words in Universal Dependencies
#17 opened by dan-zeman - 6
Wild attributes set to anodes are not retained after parsing in the NL analysis
#12 opened by michnov - 2
TREEX-FATAL: Attempt to set parent of a_tree-nl_src-s3-n1461 to the node a_tree-nl_src-s3-n1460, which would lead to a cycle.
#14 opened by michnov - 0
#1 opened by martinpopel - 1
SetDocOrds with multiple selectors
#2 opened by ptakopysk - 0
MarkTextPronCoref with multiple selectors
#3 opened by ptakopysk - 0