Template repository to create an app based on repro schema + UI

This repository provides the basic environment and automation to set up an app running the Reproschema user interface and with questionnaires encoded as a Reproschema.

Changes to make to get your app running

  • Click Use this template to create a new repository on your account.

  • Clone the newly created repository.

  • Change the name of the github repository to .github to make sure that Github will recognize it as folder to look into and run some its Github actions (the continuous integration service runby Github).

  • Add your protocol_schema file in the protocols folder.

  • Make sure to modify .github/workflows/build_deploy.yml, so that the reproschema python package will run on the right protocol_schema. Look for something like the snippet of code below:

# Modify the following line so that to replace
# with the actual path to your protocol schema
# Once you are done, remove these comment lines.
reproschema -l DEBUG validate protocols/FOLDER_NAME/SCHEMA_FILE_NAME
  • You also need to modify ui-changes/src/config.js so that:
    • assetsPublicPath is the actual name of the repository you gave to repository when you use the template repository.
    • githubSrc points to the right protocol schema, otherwise the UI will not know where to look for the content. To do that, you should only to change this bit user_name/repo_name/branch_name/protocols/schema_file_name.jsonld in the following code.
  githubSrc: 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/user_name/repo_name/branch_name/protocols/schema_file_name.jsonld',
  assetsPublicPath: '/reproschema_template/',
  • copy the activity and items schema into the activities folder (if you want to host them into this repository).