
This repo holds all kind of tools for dungeon keeper 2

Primary LanguageC


This repo holds all kind of tools for dungeon keeper 2

Meaning of the different folders:

This folder contains the structure-templates for reading Dungeon Keeper 2 file formats (like hiscores, addressbook, camera files etc.). Also there will be some easy scripts to convert them to other formats.

These files are meant to use with 010 Editor.

Category File (extension) Binary template Purpose
Archives *.spr sprite_struct.bt Sprite archive
EngineTextures.dat texturecache_dat_struct.bt Texturecache data archive
EngineTextures.dir texturecache_dat_struct.bt Texturecache index directory
*.wad wad_struct.bt World asset directory
Camera *.kcs kcs_struct.bt Kamera sweep file
Font *.bf4 bf4_struct.bt Font file
Level *.kwd, *.kld kwd_struct.bt World / Level data file
Model *.kmf kmf_struct.bt Model file (to be extracted from Meshes.wad)
Sound *BANK.map bank_struct.bt Sound bank file
*SFX.map sfx_struct.bt Sound SFX File
*.sdt sdt_struct.bt Sound data archive
Text Addressbook.dat addressbook_struct.bt Addressbook for Mulitplayer
HiScores.dat hiscores_struct.bt Hiscore file
JCN.dat jcn_struct.bt Japenese charakter names
MBToUni.dat mb2uni_struct.bt Multibyte to unicode
residx.dat residx_struct.bt Resource index file
*.str str_struct.bt String file