
A html based map editor for "War for the Overworld"

Primary LanguageJavaScript


This map editor should make it fairly easy to create and share maps for "War for the Overworld". At this very moment it's not possible to import them into wfto, this feature might come as soon as the map file structure for wfto is final.

Build Status

Just go to http://ufdada.github.io/wfto-mapeditor/ to start mapping!

Release 1.7

New Features:

  • Export map to google csv and wfto csv (importable)
  • New tiles:
  • rocky_earth
  • augrum_wall
  • gold_water
  • vulcanic_bridge
  • natural_bridge


  • UI doesn't get resized if the browser zoom is used.
  • Updated tiles:
  • siegeshrine
  • manashrine
  • archiveshrine
  • defencepartshrine
  • lava
  • Redesign of the zoom-ability
  • it works like the normal Website-Zoom, but only zooms the Map
  • see CTRL+Mousewheel Or CTRL + +/-

Release 1.6

New Features:

  • Export map as image file
  • Saving and restoring a map draft (continuously). This should prevent lost maps when browser crashes


  • Readme-link opens it in a new tab or window
  • Enabled empire tiles
  • Corrected importing when a mapfile was downloaded several tiles (it had a (<number>) in it's name)
  • Set filename when importing via Drag and Drop
  • Update version on exporting (should make a new filename)

Release 1.5

New Features:

  • Import Google CSV files via Drag and Drop


  • Bigger rooms are now shown/placeable near the border
  • Keep scrollposition on resizing the map
  • several style-specific improvements

Release 1.4

New Features:

  • Undo / Redo actions
  • Lowres tile mode


  • Firefox didn't display the preload message correctly
  • Hide infobox when hovering the options

Release 1.3

New Features:

  • Name input field for files (with versioning)
  • Rotate Mirror 1 Feature
  • Resizing of current Map


  • Get rid of the position in the mapfile on bigger rooms and calculate it instead (saves filesize)
  • Map gets cleaned from uncompleted rooms

Release 1.2

New Features:

  • Drag and drop import of mapfiles
  • Google CSV import


  • Overall visual improvement of tiles
  • Add missing tiles
  • Replace siegeshrine asset with correct siegeshrine and add defence parts shrine
  • Improve mirror visual for internet explorer

Release 1.1

New Features:

  • GUI for custom tile size (default is now 64)
  • Mirror map vertical/horizontal
    • Reverse lets you mirror the map reverse (1 & 2 are mirrored to 3 (2) and 4 (1) instead of 3 (1) and 4 (2))
    • Extend Map lets you extend your map (You can use the whole map and then make it 4 times bigger with Mirror Option 1)
  • Color version for slower connections
  • Save Configuration with localStorage/Cookies
  • Preload tiles
  • Information of current tile

Release 1.0


  • Big rooms (bigger than 1x1) are getting destroyed if the user draws onto it.
  • Export/Import of created Maps (Extension .wfto)
  • Creating a Path by holding the left mousebutton and moving the mouse (Only works for 1x1 tiles)

Special Thanks to:

  • Marados: for helping with the assets