
Table Cross is a Java app to corss two tables, since they hava a commom field

Table Cross

Table Cross is a Java app to corss two tables, since they hava a commom field


Java JRE6


Download TableCross.jar

open a terminal window in his folder

run the command: java -jar TableCross.jar

insert the parameters in the first window:

  1. first table file

  2. second table file

  3. folder where the new table will be generated

  4. name of the new table

click "OK"

select the fields that will be used to match the tables.

click "OK"


The program considers the first line of each file as "collumn names" The program considers \t (tab) as separator between the fields

It's possible to generate files in this format using copy, in a excell or calc table, and paste in a text editor.


Wilian Lopes: willianlopes404@gmail.com