Computational Linguistics student, currently working on Master's degree @UniStuttgart, interested in NLP and Machine Learning
Pinned Repositories
My first GitHub repository
Repo for the Bachelor thesis of same name, analyzes how combination of Question-Answering, DBpedia long-tail entities, DBpedia ontology and Wikipedia article texts can perform in retrieving valid RDF triples
Final submission for "Introduction to Neural Networks and Sequence-to-Sequence Learning" at RKU Heidelberg, summer term 2020; project implements 3 neural recommendation models in PyTorch and one recommender in plain Python
ufkunmndrs's Repositories
Final submission for "Introduction to Neural Networks and Sequence-to-Sequence Learning" at RKU Heidelberg, summer term 2020; project implements 3 neural recommendation models in PyTorch and one recommender in plain Python
Repo for the Bachelor thesis of same name, analyzes how combination of Question-Answering, DBpedia long-tail entities, DBpedia ontology and Wikipedia article texts can perform in retrieving valid RDF triples
My first GitHub repository