
This Python script performs a specific cryptographic operation on an Elliptic Curve Digital Signature Algorithm (ECDSA) public key. It subtracts the curve's generator point, G, a specified number of times from a given public key.

Primary LanguagePython

Bitcoin Public Key to Private Key Converter


This Python script is a part of the bitcoin-public-key-to-private-key repository. It is designed to perform cryptographic operations on Bitcoin ECDSA public keys. Specifically, it subtracts the generator point G from a given public key multiple times. This tool finds the private key in decimal format. You can then convert this decimal private key to its hexadecimal format using any decimal-to-hex converter. This script is intended primarily for educational and research purposes in the fields of cryptography and blockchain technology.



  • Python 3
  • ecdsa Python package


  1. Clone the repository:

    git clone https://github.com/ufodia/bitcoin-public-key-to-private-key
  2. Navigate to the cloned repository:

    cd bitcoin-public-key-to-private-key
  3. Install required packages:

    pip install ecdsa


Run the script with the following arguments:

  -pb or --pubkey: Your public key in hexadecimal format.
  -b or --bit: The bit range for the operation.


  python pubtoprivate.py -b 15 -pb 04fea58ffcf49566f6e9e9350cf5bca2861312f422966e8db16094beb14dc3df2cc71136e9f21ec86870c3a999f045d712f848c6fd6ed9582521c3f7444c8f182e

Donate BTC: 1DDus3a5DnugwXkWdVMSYcH1tZ2jMYXfi1


This tool is provided for educational and research purposes only. The author is not responsible for any misuse or illegal activities associated with this script. Users are advised to ensure compliance with all local laws and regulations related to cryptographic operations and digital signatures.