
This SDK provides a simple way to communicate with the UFRGS API and its various endpoints.

Below a list of all available scopes:


  • Meus Dados this scope provides information about the user as well as their photo.
  • Biblioteca this scope provides information related to loans made at the UFRGS library as well as enpoints necessary for their renewal.
  • Caronas this scope provides all the endpoints needed for the Ufrgs Carona app [still in development]


SDK provides a manager for each of the scopes plus an additional manager for token management.

  • UfrgsTokenManager
  • UfrgsUserDataManager
  • UfrgsLibraryManager
  • UfrgsCaronasManager


1. Provide the gradle dependency

repositories {
    maven { url "https://jitpack.io" }
implementation 'com.github.ufrgs:ufrgs-sdk-java:1.0'

2. Initialize the SDK

Be sure to initialize your SDK before making any calls.

  false  /* setApiToProduction */, 
  "CLIENT_AB" /* clientId */, 
  "SECRET_AB" /* clientSecret */, 
  "SCOPE_AB" /* scope */, 
  "GRANT_AB" /* grantType */);

This information is currently restricted to UFRGS's CPD.

3. Login/Request token

requestNewToken(context /* context */, 
  "12345" /* username */,
  "password" /* password */, 
  new UfrgsTokenManager.OnTokenListener() {
    public void onTokenReady(UfrgsToken token) {
      /* Token ready */

    public void onError(String error) {
      /* Handle errors */
    } /* callback */);

After getting the token from the user you can already initiate calls to the requested scopes.