
Consistent variables in UFS WM RT global test namelist templates and global workflow namelists

Opened this issue · 4 comments


This is the second part of UFS WM issue #1248. The UFS WM RT global test namelist templates will be updated to contain all the major variables that may be set to a different value from default. WIth this update, the global workflow can start to use these templates. The goal is that the namelists used in the global workflow have been tested in UFS WM.


Update the UFS WM RT global test namelist templates to contain all the major variables that may be set to a different value from default.


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@zach1221 Dan has been working on this issue, this is a continue work he was doing of consolidating global coupled/standalone test. He is going to submit PRs on both ufs wm and g-w soon. Please let me know how we can coordinate the work. Thanks

@zach1221 Dan has been working on this issue, this is a continue work he was doing of consolidating global coupled/standalone test. He is going to submit PRs on both ufs wm and g-w soon. Please let me know how we can coordinate the work. Thanks

Ok, once the PRs are created we can help to test and prioritize getting the work merged.

@zach1221 Hi, I haven't created a PR because I don't think we're ready for that just yet. We're going to be making changes to the regression tests moving from GFSv17_p8 and deprecating v16, which I'm working on now. That might cause changes in the namelist and ufs.configure, which will then need to be reflected on the GW side.

Here's the branch I've been working on for the GW namelist: https://github.com/dpsarmie/global-workflow/tree/feature/rework_input.nml_template

Feel free to take a look and ask any questions.

It's ~90% of the way there (for the namelist) and a similar method will be applied for the ufs.configure files. I'm going to finalize and push that branch once the RT updates are completed and the namelists/ufs.configure files are finailzed.

@dpsarmie ok thanks for letting me know. I will read through everything and let you know if I have any questions.