A Zend Framework module for Dompdf

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DompdfModule integrates the Dompdf library with Zend Framework.



It is recommended that you use Composer to install this package.

composer require dino/dompdf-module

Configuration options

You can override options via the dompdf_module key in your local or global config files. See DompdfModule/config/module.config.php for config options.



namespace Application\Controller;

use Zend\Mvc\Controller\AbstractActionController;
use DompdfModule\View\Model\PdfModel;

class ReportController extends AbstractActionController
    public function monthlyReportPdfAction()
        return (new PdfModel())
	        	'fileName'         => 'monthly-report',
	        	'display'          => PdfModel::DISPLAY_ATTACHMENT,
	        	'paperSize'        => 'a4',
	        	'paperOrientation' => 'landscape'
	        	'message' => 'Hello'


So you want to contribute? Fantastic! Don't worry, it's easy. Local builds, tests, and code quality checks can be executed using Docker.

Quick Start

  1. Install Docker CE.
  2. Run the following from your terminal:
docker build -t dino/dompdf-module .
docker run -v composer-cache:/var/lib/composer -v ${PWD}:/opt/app dino/dompdf-module

Super easy, right? Here's a quick walk through as to what's going on.

  • docker build -t dino/dompdf-module . builds a docker image that will be used for each run (i.e. each time docker run is executed) and tags it with the name dino/dompdf-module.
  • docker run -v composer-cache:/var/lib/composer -v ${PWD}:/opt/app dino/dompdf-module runs the default build in a new Docker container derived from the image tagged dino/dompdf-module. The root of the project and PHP Composer cache volume are mounted so that artifacts generated during the build process are available to you on your local machine.

Note: You only need to run the first command once in order to build the image. The second command is what executes the build (build, tests, code quality checks, etc.).

Other Supported PHP Versions

By default, builds executed using Docker are done so using the latest stable version of PHP. If you're adventurous you can execute builds against other supported versions of PHP.

PHP 5.6

docker build --build-arg PHP_VERSION=5.6 --tag dino/dompdf-module-php56 .
docker run -v composer-cache:/var/lib/composer -v ${PWD}:/opt/app dino/dompdf-module-php56