
Web-scraping script that writes the data of all players from FutHead to a CSV file or a DB

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


FIFA FUT Players Data

What is the purpose of this script?

  • The purpose of this repository is to have a script that automatically pulls down all players data from Futhead's website for all FIFA versions starting with FIFA 10. And to pull detialed data from Futbin.com

How to use it?

  • Just run the fifa.py script: python3 futbin.py to get Futbin data. python3 futhead.py to get FutHead data.

Players data ouput format:

  • After running the script the user will have the data saved in a MySQL database and CSV files.


  • Python 3
  • MySQL
  • PIP

You will need to use PIP to install the following libraries:

  • pymysql
  • bs4
  • requests
  • pandas


  • You will need to sucessfully run the futhead.sql script before running the futhead.py parser.
  • Input database's host, database name, user and password in the futhead.py connection line.
  • Make sure you create tables using the DDL in futhead.sql to be able to correctly encode latin literals when writing to the Database.