
Explay Informer 801, Teclast P85 - Allwinner A10, Sun4i - Ubuntu Touch device tree

Ubuntu Touch Preview Sun4i

Compilation Notes

You'll also need to set up the tools PPA https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch/Install#Step_1_-_Desktop_Setup

All the Android code can be downloaded from the phablet-dev-bootstrap tool provided by the phablet-tools package installed in the previous step:

To get the code setup run:

phablet-dev-bootstrap [target_directory]

If for some reason the sync ends midway, you can continue the sync with the -c switch, so the command would be:

phablet-dev-bootstrap -c [target_directory]

Alternatively, if you are just building an image for an already supported device, you can specify the -v switch:

phablet-dev-bootstrap -v [device codenames] [target_directory]

The phablet-dev-bootstrap command will automatically use the repo tool with the Ubuntu Touch Preview custom manifest to download all the git repositories and needed data. Be aware that this step takes a long time and requires at least 15GB (plus 2-3GB for the binary output).

Enabling a new device: paste these lines inside new file .repo/manifests/local_manifest.xml and paste these lines inside new file .repo/local_manifest.xml

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
  <!-- remote  name="github" fetch="git://github.com/" /-->
  <project remote="github" revision="ubuntu-touch-preview" name="ugers/utouch_device_907" path="device/softwinner/907" />
  <project remote="github" revision="cm-10.1" name="ugers/android_hardware_realtek" path="hardware/realtek" />
  <project remote="github" revision="ubuntu-touch-preview" name="ugers/utouch_hardware_exDroid" path="hardware/exDroid" />

now type this command

phablet-dev-bootstrap -c [target_directory]

finally you're ready to build it

source build/envsetup.sh && brunch 907

Prerequisites: Prebuilts

cd into vendor/cm and do

Patches - (if you have already modify your tree and patches can't be applied, run: repo forall -c git reset --hard)

More information about ubuntu compilation you must find there:
