
How to install chef:

  1. run installer chef-client-latest.msi
  2. verify install C:\opscode\chef\bin>chef-client --version

you should see: Chef: 10.16.2

  1. configure chef solo
  • create file C:\opscode\chef\bin\solo.rb with content:

    file_cache_path "/Projects/github/chef_examples" cookbook_path "/Projects/github/chef_examples/cookbooks"

  • create file C:\opscode\chef\bin\node.json with content: { "services": { "name": "aspnet_state" }, "run_list": [ "recipe[services::restart]" ] }

  1. execute chef solo c:\opscode\chef\bin>chef-solo -c solo.rb -j node.json you should see the recipe getting executed and the aspnet_state service restarted

How to execute chef from a url

  1. to create a tar file run the following in the chef_examples folder:

tar zcvf chef-solo.tar.gz cookbooks

  1. to get to the tar based on a sha for a commit:

  1. run chef using repo from a url