
Tools for markdown notebook navigation and management

Primary LanguageLuaGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

⬇️ mkdnflow

Jump to: Installation / Features / Configuration / Commands & default mappings / To do / Recent changes / Other plugins and links

📝 Description

This plugin is designed to replicate the features I use most from Vimwiki, implementing them in Lua instead of VimL. It is a set of functions and keybindings (optional, but enabled by default) that make it easy to navigate and manipulate markdown notebooks/journals/wikis in Neovim.

If you have a suggestion or problem with anything, file an issue; or if you'd like to contribute, work on a fork of this repo and submit a pull request.

⚡ Requirements

  • Linux or macOS (for full functionality)
  • Windows (for partial functionality; see Caveats/warnings)
  • Neovim >= 0.5.0

➖ Differences from Vimwiki

  • Vimwiki doesn't use markdown by default; mkdnflow only works for markdown.
  • I'm intending mkdnflow to be a little lighter weight/less involved than Vimwiki. Mkdnflow doesn't and won't provide syntax highlighting and won't create new filetypes.

📦 Installation


     config = function()
            -- Config goes here; leave blank for defaults
    -- Your other plugins;
    -- Your other plugins;

-- Include the setup function somewhere else in your init.lua/vim file, or the
-- plugin won't activate itself:

    -- Config goes here; leave blank for defaults


" Vim-Plug
Plug 'jakewvincent/mkdnflow.nvim'

" NeoBundle
NeoBundle 'jakewvincent/mkdnflow.nvim'

" Vundle
Bundle 'jakewvincent/mkdnflow.nvim'

" Pathogen
git clone https://github.com/jakewvincent/mkdnflow.nvim.git ~/.vim/bundle/mkdownflow.nvim

" Dein
call dein#add('jakewvincent/mkdnflow.nvim')

" Include the setup function somewhere else in your init.vim file, or the
" plugin won't activate itself:
lua << EOF
    -- Config goes here; leave blank for defaults

✨ Features

  • Create links from (a) word under cursor or (b) visual selection (mapped to <CR> by default)
    • Automatically prefix filenames created in the above manner with the current date: YYYY-MM-DD_<word>.md. The prefix can be changed; see Configuration.
  • Jump to the next/previous link in the file, optionally wrapping to beginning/end of file (mapped to <Tab> and <S-Tab> by default, respectively)
  • Follow links relative to the first-opened file or relative to the current file (mapped to <CR> by default)
    • <CR>ing on a link to a text file will open it in the current window (i.e. :e <filename>)
    • <CR>ing on a link to a file tagged with file: (formerly local:), e.g. [My Xournal notes](file:notes.xopp), will open that file with whatever the system's associated program is for that filetype (using xdg-open on Linux or open on macOS)
    • <CR>ing on a link to a web URL will open that link in your default browser
  • Create missing directories if a link goes to a file in a directory that doesn't exist
  • <BS> to go to previous file/buffer opened in the window
  • Enable/disable default keybindings (see Configuration)

❗ Caveats/warnings

  • The plugin won't start automatically if the first-opened file is not one of the default or named extensions (see Configuration), but you can manually start the plugin with the defined command :Mkdnflow.
  • On Windows, the plugin should successfully load, but the use of certain functions will result in a message in the command line: Function unavailable for Windows. The functionality currently unavailable for Windows includes:
    • Opening local files and URLs outside of Neovim
    • Following links within Neovim while create_dirs is enabled. If you are on Windows, you should set create_dirs to false and make sure that all directories you specify as part of a link already exist.

⚙️ Configuration

Currently, the setup function uses the defaults shown below. See the descriptions and non-default options in the comments above each setting. To use these defaults, simply call the setup function without any argument: require('mkdnflow').setup({}). To change these settings, specify new values for any of them them in the setup function.

    -- Type: boolean. Use default mappings (see '❕Commands and default
    --     mappings').
    -- 'false' disables mappings
    default_mappings = true,        

    -- Type: boolean. Create directories (recursively) if link contains a
    --     missing directory.
    -- 'false' prevents missing directories from being created
    create_dirs = true,             

    -- Type: string. Navigate to links relative to the directory of the first-
    --     opened file.
    -- 'current' navigates links relative to currently open file
    links_relative_to = 'first',    

    -- Type: key-value pair(s). The plugin's features are enabled only when one
    -- of these filetypes is opened; otherwise, the plugin does nothing.
    filetypes = {md = true, rmd = true, markdown = true},

    -- Type: boolean. When true, the createLinks() function tries to evaluate
    --     the string provided as the value of new_file_prefix.
    -- 'false' results in the value of new_file_prefix being used as a string,
    --     i.e. it is not evaluated, and the prefix will be invariant.
    evaluate_prefix = true,

    -- Type: string. Defines the prefix that should be used to create new links.
    --     This is evaluated at the time createLink() is run, which is to say
    --     that it's run whenever <CR> is pressed (under the default mappings).
    --     This makes for many interesting possibilities.
    new_file_prefix = [[os.date('%Y-%m-%d_')]],

    -- Type: boolean. When true and Mkdnflow is searching for the next/previous
    --     link in the file, it will wrap to the beginning of the file (if it's
    --     reached the end) or wrap to the end of the file (if it's reached the
    --     beginning during a backwards search).
    wrap_to_beginning = false,
    wrap_to_end = false

👍 Recommended vim settings

It is recommended to turn on autowriteall in Neovim. This will ensure that changes to buffers are saved when you navigate away from that buffer, e.g. by following a link to another file. See :h awa.

-- If you have an init.lua
vim.o.autowriteall = true
" If you have an init.vim
set autowriteall

❕ Commands and default mappings

These default mappings can be disabled; see Configuration. Commands with no mappings trigger functions that are called by the functions with mappings, but I've given them a command name so you can use them as independent functions if you'd like to.

Keymap Mode Command Description
<Tab> n :MkdnNextLink<CR> Move cursor to the beginning of the next link (if there is a next link)
<S-Tab> n :MkdnPrevLink<CR> Move the cursor to the beginning of the previous link (if there is one)
<BS> n :MkdnGoBack<CR> Open the last-active buffer in the current window
<CR> n :MkdnFollowPath<CR> Open the link under the cursor, creating missing directories if desired, or if there is no link under the cursor, make a link from the word under the cursor
-- -- :MkdnGetPath<CR> With a link under the cursor, extract (and return) just the path part of it (i.e. the part in parentheses, following the brackets)
-- -- :MkdnCreateLink<CR> Replace the word under the cursor with a link in which the word under the cursor is the name of the link
-- -- :Mkdnflow<CR> Manually start Mkdnflow

Miscellaneous notes on remapping

  • The back-end function for :MkdnGoBack, require('mkdnflow).files.goBack(), returns a boolean indicating the success of goBack() (thanks, @pbogut!). This is useful if the user wishes to remap <BS> so that when goBack() is unsuccessful, another function is performed.

☑️ To do

  • Easy forward navigation through buffers (with <S-BS>?)
  • "Undo" a link (replace link w/ the text part of the link)
  • Lists
    • To-do list functions & mappings
    • Smart <CR> when in lists, etc.
  • Fancy table creation & editing
    • Create a table of x columns and y rows
    • Add/remove columns and rows
    • Horizontal and vertical navigation through tables (with <Tab> and <CR>?)
    • Make a way for the user to define specialized tables (e.g. time sheets)
  • Full compatibility with Windows
  • Add a config option to wrap to the beginning of the document when navigating between links (11/08/21)
  • Function to increase/decrease the level of headings
  • Jump to in-file locations by <CR>ing on links to headings
  • Easily rename file in link
  • Better way of dealing w/ paths to directories
    • Option to open in GUI or w/ some tool in vim?
  • Allow reference to absolute paths (interpret relatively [following config] if not prepended w/ ~ or /)
  • Allow parentheses in link names (issue #8)
  • Command to add a "quick note" (add link to a specified file, e.g. index.md, and open the quick note)

🔧 Recent changes

  • 11/10/21: Merged @pbogut's PR, which modifies require('mkdnflow').files.goBack() to return a boolean (true if goBack() succeeds; false if goBack() isn't possible). For the default mappings, this causes no change in behavior, but users who wish <BS> to perform another function in the case that goBack() fails can now use goBack() in the antecedent of a conditional. @pbogut's mapping, for reference:
if not require('mkdnflow').files.goBack() then
  vim.cmd('Dirvish %:p')
  • 11/08/21: Add option to wrap to beginning/end of file when jumping to next/previous link. Off by default.
  • 11/01/21: Added vimdoc documentation
  • 10/30/21: Added capability for manually starting the plugin with :Mkdnflow, addressing issue #5
  • 09/23/21: Fixed issue #3
  • 09/23/21: Added compatibility with macOS
  • 09/21/21: Fixed issue #1. Implemented a push-down stack to better handle backwards navigation through previously-opened buffers.
  • 09/19/21: Fixed issue #2. Paths with spaces can now be created.

🔗 Links