jQuery plugin to reproduce the confetti
- sow the confetti
- Reproduce the confetti in html and css animation
- there is a need to limit the number for a little heavy so dom
- Generate tag to the bottom of the body
- Remove tag when it disappeared from the screen outside
- Run complate if all tags have disappeared off the screen
[DEMO] [DEMO]: http://github.develo.org/jquery.confetti/
<script type="text/javascript" src="js/jquery.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="js/jquery.confetti.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
x: $content.offset().left + $content.width() / 2,
y: $content.offset().top + $content.height() / 2,
num: 20,
speedRange: 10,
airResistanceNum: 0.95,
gravityNum: 0.45,
intervalSpeed: 30,
complate: false
※ [x,y] position of half of the position + tag of the specified tag in default
- x: {Number} offset().left + width() / 2
- y: {Number} offset().top + height() / 2
- num: {Number} Number of confetti you want to generate
- speedRange: {Number} range of initial velocity
- airResistanceNum: {Number} airResistanceNum air resistance
- gravityNum: {Number} gravityNum gravity
- intervalSpeed: {Number} intervalSpeed interval speed
- complate: {Function} complate complate function
Sprinkle the confetti from the click position when you click anywhere in the html
x: e.pageX,
y: e.pageY,