Introduction to DevOps

-[x] What is DevOps?

-[x] Why DevOps?

-[x] 3 Challenges of DevOps

-[x] Benefits of DevOps

What is DevOps?

  • Culture that bridges the gap between development and operation teams
  • Combination of cultural philosophies, practices and tools that increases organisations ability to deliver applications and services at high velocity
  • Evolving and improving products at a faster pace than organisations using traditional software development and infrastructure management process
  • combines software development (Dev) and IT operations(Ops) participating together in entire service life cycle
  • Set of practices that automate the process


Why DevOps?

  • Shorter Development Cycles & faster innovation = created through joint development and operations efforts
  • Reduce Implementation failure, reflections and recovery time= DevOps promotes frequent code versions.Therefore, teams can use their time to reduce the number of implementation failures using agile programming principles that require collaboration and standard programming
  • Better communication & cooperation = culture focuses on performance rather than individual goals

Challenges of DevOps

  • Overcoming Dev vs Ops mentality = they need to ensure to align the goals and priorities of teams
  • Moving from legacy infrastructure to microservices = step towards continuous improvement that enables development lifecycle to adapt to changing markets and customer needs. However this requires foundations of automation to be able to cope with the workload that microservices bring
  • Resistance to change from team members, stakeholders etc. This means members must see the benefits in order to the change to be smooth and gradual

Benefits of DevOps

  • Ability to build, test and release software faster
  • Speed = innovating for customers faster & changing to markets better. E.g. microservices and continuous delivery let teams take ownership of services and then release updated to them quicker
  • Rapid Delivery = innovating and improving product faster e.g. releasing new features, fixing bugs


IT before DevOps

  • DevOps creates microservices architecture where their code can be tested on their own
  • It used to take too long to release a product.
  • They were all dependant on each other
  • Limited collaboration between teams
  • DevOps took away this dependability & faster release cycles which saves money - benefits profitability

Infrastructure Revolution

