Creating a vagrant machine

1. Vagrant up

  • Creating a vagrant machine

2. Vagrant ssh

  • To go into the virtual machine

3. sudo apt-get update

  • To carry out all updates
  • sudo is to run command as admin for ubuntu
  • apt gets package manager to install, update and upgrade packages
  • sudo apt-get update -y (automated)

using these steps we have now created a DEV environment

exit command to exit the machine

4. Creating a readme file

  • nano

5. Installing on vagrant machine

  • sudo su : to access from root
  • sudo apt-get install nginx : to install web server
  • systemctl status nginx : to check the status of the program

6. Now we need to launch nginx web server in our browser

  • go on git bash
  • nano vagrant file
  • add the private network IP address to launch nginx
Vagrant.configure("2") do |config| = "ubuntu/xenial64"
# creating a virtual machine ubuntu "private_network", ip: ""
# creating private ip to access our nginx server on the web from inside >

#redirecting the above to the specific web address
  config.hostsupdater.aliases = ["development.local"]

  • vagrant reload

Destroying vagrant

  • vagrant destroy in git bash