Python @ Sparta Academy 🐍

Why Python?

  • Lang developed by Guido van Rassum
  • Fastest growing prog lang
  • 2020 was #1 in terms of demand
  • Supports multiple systems & platforms
  • OOP Driven
  • Helps improve programmers productivity-simplified code for min code and max productivity
  • Extensive Support libraries
  • Most used in machine learning & data analysis

Topics Covered Week 1 Python:

  • Variables
  • Lists
  • Tuples
  • Dictionaries
  • Loops: IF & WHILE
  • Sets
  • String Casting
  • Control Flow
  • Functions
  • Built-in Libraries

Week 1 Exercises:

  • Rock, paper, scissors
  • Capturing user details
  • Cinema Tickets (control flow)
  • Calculator

Week 2

  • APIs : Requests module