Customizable User Account Management for Flask
So you're writing a Flask web application and would like to authenticate your users.
You start with a simple Login page, but soon enough you need to handle:
- Registrations and Email Confirmations
- Change Usernames, Change Passwords, and Forgotten Passwords
And wouldn't it be nice to also offer:
- Role-based Authorization
- Remember-me cookies
- Multiple emails per user
- Internationalization
Flask-User offers these user features (and more) out-of-the-box
while also honoring the following developer needs:
- Reliable (Code coverage of over 95%)
- Secure (Built on top of widely deployed Flask-Login)
- Ready to use (Through sensible defaults)
- Largely configurable (Through configuration settings)
- Fully customizable (Through customizable functions and email templates)
- Well documented
- Tested on Python 2.6, 2.7, 3.3 and 3.4
Flask-User v0.5 and v0.6 are quite stable and is used in production environments.
It is marked as a Beta release because the API is subject to small changes.
We appreciate it if you would enter issues and
enhancement requests into the Flask-User Issue Tracker.
The Flask-User Demo showcases Flask-User. To protect against spam mis-use, all email features have been disabled. (If you're the first visitor in the last hour, it may take a few seconds for Heroku to start this service)
Revision History
Contact Information
Ling Thio - ling.thio [at] gmail.com
This project would not be possible without the use of the following amazing offerings: