
Γ🍕- A pure Node V8 REST API which prototypes a pizza-delivery-eCommerce service, without using any external package

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Gamma Pizza

code style: prettier


This is a pure Node V8 REST API which prototypes a pizza-delivery-eCommerce service.



Please refer to the API documentation


Gamma Pizza is DB-free service, meaning that all the data is saved to file system. Keep it in mind before to deploy this applicatio to a productive environment.



git clone git@github.com:ugobriasco/gamma-pizza && cd gamma-pizza
cp ./lib/config.js.template ./lib/config.js

# Edit configurations adding stripe and mailgun credentials
vim ./lib/config.js

# App setup
bash ./scripts/init.js

There are several ways to start the application, here some of them:

# Start the application, setting the environment parameter (default stage)
NODE_ENV=production node .
NODE_ENV=stage node .

# Start the application with debugging options set
NODE_DEBUG=server NODE_ENV=stage node .

# Quickstart (runs the setup and starts the app on Stage with debug option enabled)
bash ./scripts/start.sh

Access the REST API via:




Release Notes

Γ🍕 v0.0.0

  1. New users can be created, their information can be edited, and they can be deleted. We should store their name, email address, and street address.
  2. Users can log in and log out by creating or destroying a token.
  3. When a user is logged in, they should be able to GET all the possible menu items (these items can be hardcoded into the system).
  4. A logged-in user should be able to fill a shopping cart with menu items,
  5. A logged-in user should be able to create an order. You should integrate with the Sandbox of Stripe.com to accept their payment.
  6. When an order is placed, you should email the user a receipt. You should integrate with the sandbox of Mailgun.com for this.


In lieu of a formal style guide, take care to maintain the existing coding style. Add unit tests for any new or changed functionality. Lint and test your code.
