Node API Logs is a library that allows Express.js developers to view req logs on their server without the need for any third-party services or payments. from req body, ip, res body, duration, etc. The library currently only supports Express.js and requires a MongoDB URI. Supports for Nestjs and other frameworks will come later.

Primary LanguageCSS

Node API Logs

Node API Logs is a library that allows Express.js developers to view req logs on their server without the need for any third-party services or payments. from req body, ip, res body, duration, etc. The library currently only supports Express.js and requires a MongoDB URI. Supports for Nestjs and other frameworks will come later.

enter image description here

enter image description here

enter image description here


  • View server logs in a user-friendly interface

  • Secure login system for accessing logs

  • Simple user management (password reset and user addition through MongoDB)

  • Easy integration with existing Express.js applications

  • Save on specific route data

  • Filter logs with endpoint, time, date and status.


You can install the library using npm or yarn:

npm  i  node-api-logs

# or

yarn  add  node-api-logs

To use the library, you need to import the createExpressLogger

import  {createExpressLogger}  from  "node-api-logs";

 createExpressLogger({app:app,mongoUri:process.env.MONGO_TEST_URI  ||  process.env.MONGO_URI||""});

Next, provide your Express app instance along with a MongoDB URI.

You can make request for specific url and make to avoid some url.

createExpressLogger({app:app,mongoUri:process.env.MONGO_TEST_URI  ||  process.env.MONGO_URI||"", beginswith:["/api"],specifics:["/api/v1/admin/info"]});

// This function will only log and save all api requests to /api but avoid request to /api/v1/admin/info

Here’s a basic example of how to use the library in your index.ts file:

import  express, { Application, Request, Response } from  'express';
import  cors  from  'cors';
import  helmet  from  'helmet';
import  dotenv  from  'dotenv';
import  expressFileUpload  from  'express-fileupload';
import  path  from  'path';
import {createExpressLogger} from  "node-api-logs";

// configurations

import './config/database';
import './config/redis';

import  AppRoutes  from  './modules/app/app.route';
import { formatReq } from  './middlewares/helpers.middleware';
import  logger  from  './config/logger';
import  morgan  from  'morgan';
import  morganMiddleware  from  './middlewares/morgan.middleware';


// Boot express
const  app:  Application  =  express();
const  port  =  process.env.PORT  ||  3000;
const  base:  string  =  process.env.base_url  ??  '/staging/api/v1';


// middlewares
app.use(expressFileUpload({ createParentPath:  true, useTempFiles:  true }));
app.use(express.urlencoded({ extended:  false }));

app.use('/docs', express.static(path.join(__dirname, 'docs')));

#create logger
createExpressLogger({app:app,mongoUri:process.env.MONGO_TEST_URI  ||  process.env.MONGO_URI||""});

// Application routing

app.get('/', (req:  Request, res:  Response) => {
res.status(200).send({ data:  'BACKEND Application' });

app.use(base, AppRoutes);

// Start server
app.listen(port, () =>  logger.info(`Server is listening on port ${port}!`));

// Handle unhandled promise rejections and exceptions
process.on('unhandledRejection', (err:  any) => {
logger.error('Unhandled Rejection', err);


process.on('uncaughtException', (err:  any) => {
logger.error(err.message, err);


To access the logs, visit:


User Management

To change a user's password:

  1. Go to bcrypt-generator to generate a new password.

  2. Manually update the user's password in the MongoDB database.

To add a new user:

  1. Go to your users collection in MongoDB.

  2. Click on Add Data and select Insert Document.

  3. Click Insert and then edit the new document to add the user's email.

  4. Once the user visits http://localhost:PORT/logs/login and inputs their email and password, the password will be automatically set for them.

To remove a user:

Simply delete the user's record from the database.


Contributions are welcome! If you'd like to contribute, please follow these steps:

  1. Fork the repository.

  2. Create a new branch (git checkout -b feature-branch).

  3. Make your changes.

  4. Commit your changes (git commit -m 'Add feature').

  5. Push to the branch (git push origin feature-branch).

  6. Open a pull request.

Please make sure to update tests as appropriate.


For issues or questions, feel free to contact me at:


This project is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for details.