
Python Version Status


Today, you will learn about the basics of the Python Programming Language. This guide is version 1.1.

Table of Contents


Welcome to the Training-Piscine-Python-for-datascience-0. This repository is dedicated to helping beginners and enthusiasts learn the intricacies of Python for data science. Dive in, explore, and let's build some exciting data projects together!


  1. General rules
  2. Exercise 00
  3. Exercise 01
  4. Exercise 02
  5. Exercise 03
  6. Exercise 04
  7. From now on you must follow these additional rules
  8. Exercise 05
  9. Exercise 06
  10. Exercise 07
  11. Exercise 08
  12. Exercise 09
  13. Submission and peer-evaluation

Chapter I: General Rules

  • You have to render your modules from a computer in the cluster using:
    • A virtual machine:
      • Choose the OS for your virtual machine.
      • Your VM must have all the necessary software for your project, fully configured and installed.
    • Or use the computer directly if the required tools are available.
      • Ensure you have enough space on your session to install what's needed for all modules (use the goinfre if your campus has one).
      • All tools must be installed prior to evaluations.
  • Functions should not quit unexpectedly (e.g. segmentation fault, bus error). If this occurs, your project is non-functional and will score a 0 during evaluations.
  • Creating test programs is recommended. They won't be submitted or graded but will be beneficial for evaluations.
  • Submit work to your assigned git repository. Only the work in the git repository will be graded. If Deepthought grades your work, it follows your peer-evaluations. If an error occurs during Deepthought’s grading, the evaluation halts.
  • Python 3.10 is mandatory.
  • Any built-in function is allowed unless explicitly prohibited.
  • Imports must be explicit (e.g., import numpy as np). Using from pandas import * is not allowed, resulting in a score of 0 for that exercise.
  • No global variables.
  • And remember, by Odin, by Thor! Use your brain!



"Data are just summaries of thousands of stories – tell a few of those stories to help make the data meaningful." - Chip & Dan Heath