
an applied ML project for the full-stack deep learning class


Two topics I am interested replicating from wandb benchmarks:

Other topics I'm interested in:

  • Building and deploying a GAN similar to using my own drawings or other open sourced art I've gathered as a dataset

    • Ideas for datasets: protest signs, propaganda posters, gritty (eg., japanese product or sports mascots?), african masks
  • Object detection:

    • Curb cuts for accessiblity or piles of trash from satellite imagery
    • Using a webcam video source: poor posture, face touching, or cleanched jaw.
    • Using a webcam: hornet activity (or bird activity?) in backyard
  • Handwriting recognition / OCR

    • Graffiti text
    • Husband's writing
  • Super resolution

    • Old cartoons
    • Vintage clothing
    • Drawings

Alternate projects:

  • Contribute to fastai library
  • Contribute to stylegan / stylegan-ada fork


  • Mlflow
  • Docker
  • Streamlit


Guidelines: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1wyDSJsunIlheSRXiGCVEnrqYU7RPyvAX2mkAwmMKlMk/edit
Example proposal: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1w5czuaR87WIxF6PXwsxnoguzRIIyrCZk0yY_com0QaE/edit

Project Name:

Team: Ugaso Sheikh-Abdi

Project Goal:

What dataset will you use, or how do you plan to collect data?

What baseline will you use?

What model architecture / loss function do you propose?

What will the end result look like?

What’s your stretch goal: