
api rate limiter library for spring boot microservices

Primary LanguageJava


API Rate Limiter

1. Requirements

JDK 1.8 or above is required. Redis Server is required (redis:3.0.7-alpine docker image is used).

2. How to use it?

@RateLimit(prefix = "app:sampleMethod", key = "#userID", windowSize = MINUTE, limit = 20)
    public void sampleRateLimitedMethod(SampleRequest request) {
        System.out.println("sample rate limited method executed!");

3. Options

  • prefix - the prefix of identifier to limit against
  • key - the identifier to limit against (userID, IP etc.)
  • windowSize - the size of a window (SECOND, MINUTE or HOUR).
  • limit - maximum number of requests in the given window size.