💻 macOS ESP - Automated Setup

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A customizable SwiftDialog-based Enrollment Status Page solution for macOS devices, providing a smooth onboarding experience for your users.

🌟 Table of Contents

🌟 Features

  • Custom UI with progress tracking
  • Configurable setup phases
  • User-friendly interface with device information display
  • Support for company branding
  • Automated script execution
  • Detailed logging

📋 Prerequisites

  • Packages installed on your admin machine
  • Latest version of SwiftDialog
  • macOS device with admin privileges

🛠 Configuration

UI Customization

Open SwiftDialog_IntunePKG\Payload\Application Support\SwiftDialogResources\swiftdialog.json in the editor of your choice.

UI customization

  "message": "Hello {userfullname}, welcome to COMPANY! We're currently configuring your Mac for optimal performance.",
  "icon": "/Library/Application Support/SwiftDialogResources/icons/CompanyPortal.png",
  "title": "macOS Setup - COMPANY Onboarding",
  "infobox": "We're setting up your Mac with essential applications and settings.\n\n**Note:** This process will take a few minutes and your Mac will restart automatically when finished. Please do not interrupt the setup.\n\n**Device Info:**\n- **Name:** {computername}\n- **Serial:** {serialnumber}\n- **OS Version:** {osversion}",
  "button1text": "Setup in Progress...",
  "button1disabled": true,
  "blurscreen": true,
  "ontop": true,
  "width": "80%",
  "height": "80%",
  "progress": "1",
  "progresstext": "Initializing setup...",
  "helpmessage": "Scan the QR code for help",
  "helpimage": "qr=https://www.COMPANY.com/it-support"

ESP steps

"listitem": [
      "title": "Company Portal",
      "icon": "/Library/Application Support/SwiftDialogResources/icons/CompanyPortal.png",
      "status": "pending",
      "statustext": "Pending"
      "title": "Reboot",
      "icon": "SF=arrow.counterclockwise",
      "status": "pending",
      "statustext": "Pending"

Script Configuration

Scripts are stored in SwiftDialog_IntunePKG\Payload\Application Support\SwiftDialogResources\scripts. The number at the beginning of a script defines the execution order.

📦 Building the Package

  1. Open SwiftDialog_IntunePKG\Swift Dialog Onboarding\Swift Dialog Onboarding.pkgproj with Packages
  2. Update Dialog.app:
    • Remove existing Dialog.app from Library/Application Support/Dialog
    • Download latest Dialog.app
    • Add new Dialog.app to the package
  3. Verify all paths are correct (folders should appear blue, not red)
  4. Click Build to create the package

🚀 Deployment

Pre-install script

Replace PKG_URL with current version from Github repo. Download Pre Script


## Pre-install Script for Swift Dialog
## VER 1.0.0

# Define any variables we need here:
logDir="/Library/Application Support/Microsoft/IntuneScripts/Swift Dialog"
DIALOG_BIN="/path/to/SwiftDialog"  # Set this to the path where SwiftDialog is expected to be installed

# Start Logging
mkdir -p "$logDir"
exec > >(tee -a "$logDir/preinstall.log") 2>&1

if [ -e "/Library/Application Support/Dialog" ]; then
    echo "$(date) | PRE | Removing previous installation"
    rm -rf "/Library/Application Support/Dialog"
    rm -rf "/Library/Application Support/SwiftDialogResources"
    rm -rf "/usr/local/bin/dialog"

# Download the SwiftDialog .pkg
curl -L -o "$PKG_PATH" "$PKG_URL"

# Install SwiftDialog from the downloaded .pkg file
sudo installer -pkg "$PKG_PATH" -target /

if [[ $? -eq 0 ]]; then
    echo "$(date) | POST | Swift Dialog has been installed successfully."
    echo "$(date) | ERROR | Swift Dialog installation failed."
    exit 1

echo "$(date) | PRE | Completed Pre-install script"
exit 0

Post-install script

Replace dialog-2.5.4-4793.pkg in PKG_PATH with current version. Download Post Script


## Post-install Script for Swift Dialog
## VER 1.0.0

# Define any variables we need here:
logDir="/Library/Application Support/Microsoft/IntuneScripts/Swift Dialog"

# Start Logging
mkdir -p "$logDir"
exec > >(tee -a "$logDir/postinstall.log") 2>&1

# Check if SwiftDialog is installed
if [[ ! -f "$DIALOG_BIN" ]]; then
  echo "$(date) | POST | Swift Dialog is not installed [$DIALOG_BIN]. Installing now..."

  # Install SwiftDialog from the .pkg file
  if [[ -f "$PKG_PATH" ]]; then
    sudo installer -pkg "$PKG_PATH" -target /

    if [[ $? -eq 0 ]]; then
      echo "$(date) | POST | Swift Dialog has been installed successfully."
      echo "$(date) | ERROR | Swift Dialog installation failed."
      exit 1
    echo "$(date) | ERROR | Package file not found at $PKG_PATH. Exiting."
    exit 1
  echo "$(date) | POST | Swift Dialog is already installed."

# Wait for Desktop
until ps aux | grep /System/Library/CoreServices/Dock.app/Contents/MacOS/Dock | grep -v grep &>/dev/null; do
    echo "$(date) |  + Dock not running, waiting [1] seconds"
    sleep 1
echo "$(date) | Dock is here, lets carry on"

# Run Swift Dialog
/usr/local/bin/dialog --jsonfile "/Library/Application Support/SwiftDialogResources/swiftdialog.json" --width 1280 --height 670 --blurscreen --ontop &

# Wait for Swift Dialog to start
START=$(date +%s) # Set the start time so we can calculate how long we've been waiting
echo "$(date) | POST | Waiting for Swift Dialog to Start..."
# Loop for 1 minutes (60 seconds)
until ps aux | grep /usr/local/bin/dialog | grep -v grep &>/dev/null; do
    # Check if the 60 seconds have passed
    if [[ $(($(date +%s) - $START)) -ge 60 ]]; then
        echo "$(date) | POST | Failed: Swift Dialog did not start within 60 seconds"
        exit 1
    echo -n "."
    sleep 1
echo "OK"

echo "$(date) | POST | Processing scripts..."
for script in /Library/Application\ Support/SwiftdialogResources/scripts/*.*; do
  echo "$(date) | POST | Executing [$script]"
  xattr -d com.apple.quarantine "$script" >/dev/null 2>&1
  chmod +x "$script" >/dev/null 2>&1
  nice -n 20 "$script"

# Once we're done, we should write a flag file out so that we don't run again
sudo touch "$logDir/onboardingComplete"
exit 0

📝 Logging

Logs are stored in:

  • Tool logs: /var/tmp/swiftdialog.log
  • Script logs: /var/tmp/script_[number].log
  • Installation logs: /Library/Application Support/Microsoft/IntuneScripts/Swift Dialog/

🤝 Contributing

Contributions are welcome! Please feel free to submit a PR.

⚖️ License

MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.