Sequence-to-sequence quotations attribution

This repository contains the source code for the paper "Fine-grained quotation detection and attribution in German news articles" by Fynn Petersen-Frey & Chris Biemann published at KONVENS 2024. Implementation based on Seq2seqCoref.


mamba env create -f env.yml --solver=libmamba
mamba activate seq2seq-quotations


Available at

Pre-trained models

Inference / Prediction

  1. Download and untar a model (see Pre-trained models)
  2. Place plain-text files to process in a folder
  3. Create an empty directory for temporary files
  4. Create an empty directory for final output
  5. Activate the correct python environment (see setup)
  6. Execute below command:
python <input-dir> <temp-processing-dir> <model-dir> <output-dir>