Causal Mean Matching

Code for paper: Matching a Desired Causal State via Shift Interventions (NeurIPS 2021).

arXiv link:

To generate a causal system along with its desired mean, run the following for example:

python --sampler 'barbasi_albert' --nnodes 100 --sparse 10 --dataset_size 1

To generate multiple instances with same parameters (e.g., number of nodes and DAG type), set dataset_size to be larger than 1.

To run a policy on a .pkl file of problem instances, e.g., clique tree policy with single perturbation target interventions:

python ./data/barbasi_albert/nodes100_int10.pkl --sparse 1 --policy clique --results_dir results/barbasi_albert

For interventions with multiple perturbation targets, set sparse to be larger than 1. Supported policy: random, clique, submodular, oracle, structure.