
A lua library by zengrong.net

Primary LanguageLua

A lua library by zengrong.net

This library depend on quick-cocos2d-x framework and following libraries.

  • lpack (already in quick-cocos2d-x)
  • BitOp (already in quick-cocos2d-x)
  • LuaSocket (already in quick-cocos2d-x)

Module list

## utils.Gettext


local mo_data=assert(require("utils.Gettext").loadMOFromFile("main.mo"))
-- 你好
-- nil

Then you'll get a kind of gettext function:

local gettext=assert(require("utils.Gettext").gettextFromFile("main.mo"))
-- 你好
-- world

With a slight modification this will be ready-to-use for the xgettext tool:

_ = assert(require("utils.Gettext").gettextFromFile("main.mo"))
## utils.ByteArray

It can serialize bytes stream like ActionScript flash.utils.ByteArray

It depends on lpack.


-- use lpack to write a pack
local __pack = string.pack("<bihP2", 0x59, 11, 1101, "", "中文")

-- create a ByteArray
local __ba = ByteArray.new()

-- ByteArray can write a lpack buffer directly

-- remember, lua array started from 1

-- now, you can read it like actionscript
print("ba.len:", __ba:getLen())
print("ba.readByte:", __ba:readByte())
print("ba.readInt:", __ba:readInt())
print("ba.readShort:", __ba:readShort())
print("ba.readString:", __ba:readStringUShort())
print("ba.available:", __ba:getAvailable())
-- dump it
print("ba.toString(16):", __ba:toString(16))

-- create a ByteArray
local __ba2 = ByteArray.new()

-- you can write some values like actionscript
-- also, you can use chaining calls.
-- write a empty string
-- write some chinese string

-- dump it
print("ba2.toString(10):", __ba2:toString(10))

Above codes will print like these:

print result

## utils.ByteArrayVarint

ByteArrayVarint depends on BitOP.

ByteArrayVarint implements the Varint encoding in google protocol buffer.

See following:

To understand your simple protocol buffer encoding, you first need to understand varints. Varints are a method of serializing integers using one or more bytes. Smaller numbers take a smaller number of bytes.

Each byte in a varint, except the last byte, has the most significant bit (msb) set – this indicates that there are further bytes to come. The lower 7 bits of each byte are used to store the two's complement representation of the number in groups of 7 bits, least significant group first.

Your can use these methods(and all ByteArray methods) in ByteArrayVarint:

Method Name Description
ByteArrayVarint.readUVInt() read a unsigned varint int
ByteArrayVarint.writeUVInt() write a unsigned varint int
ByteArrayVarint.readVInt() read varint int
ByteArrayVarint.writeVInt() write varint int
ByteArrayVarint.readStringUVInt() read a string preceding a unsigned varint int
ByteArrayVarint.writeStringUVInt() write a string preceding a unsigned varint int

On account of a BitOP limitation, ByteArrayVarint will read a unsigned int as a minus.

## net.SocketTCP

The SocketTCP depends on LuaSocket


	socket = SocketTCP.new("", 12001, false)
	socket:addEventListener(SocketTCP.EVENT_CONNECTED, onStatus)
	socket:addEventListener(SocketTCP.EVENT_CLOSE, onStatus)
	socket:addEventListener(SocketTCP.EVENT_CLOSED, onStatus)
	socket:addEventListener(SocketTCP.EVENT_CONNECT_FAILURE, onStatus)
	socket:addEventListener(SocketTCP.EVENT_DATA, onData)

	function onStatus(__event)
		echoInfo("socket status: %s", __event.name)

	function onData(__event)
		echoInfo("socket status: %s, data:%s", __event.name, ByteArray.toString(__event.data))