This is a GUI software developed by the University of Hawaii Sea Level Center.
These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes.
Python 3.5 or 3.6
fbs - the packaging tool, which produces standalone executibles on Windows, Mac, and Linux. For more details visit the project's GitHub page or the manual on the creator's website.
Create a virtual environment:
python -m venv [your_env_name]
Activate the virtual environment:
# On Mac/Linux:
source [your_env_name]/bin/activate
# On Windows:
call [your_env_name]\scripts\activate.bat
The remainder of the tutorial assumes that the virtual environment is active.
Install the requirements using pip based on the OS you are working on:
# If working on a Mac
pip install -r requirements/mac.txt
# Similarly, on Windows:
pip install -r requirements/windows.txt
If you ever decide to add additional dependencies that are platform specific, you would add a dependency into the appropriate requirements/*.txt file. The platform independent dependencies should be added to base.txt. The base.txt file is referenced in each of the platform specific .txt files and thus pip install does not have to performed on it.
This software is heavily dependen on our station_tools library. If you need to make changes to the station_tools library and use those changes while developing the QS software, you will have to install it in editable mode. To do so, uninstall the station_tools library if it is already installed and then run the following command from the project's root folder (PyQT5_fbs):
pip install -e path_to_station_tools_folder
You will of course have to replace path_to_station_tools_folder with the actual path to where you checked out the station_tools repo.
The python source code is located in src/main/python/
Run to initiate GUI. Once started press F1 to bring the Help/Instructions menu.
The GUI was designed using QT Designer. The designer produces a .ui file that is that converted to python code. The .ui file is located at src/main/python/stacked_design.ui. The resulting .py file is located
Important notes: QT Designer uses a custom matplotlib widget which was written to allow for dropping a graphing matplotlib widget in the ui. The matplotlib widget code is at QCSoft/PyQT5_fbs/src/main/python/MyQTDesignerPlugins/.
So far the custom widget only works on Windows. See here for the status on other platforms. To start the designer you must use pyqt5-tools and must start the designer from Your_Virt_Env\Scripts\pyqt5designer.exe. You might also have to run Your_Virt_Env\Scripts\pyqt5toolsinstalluic.exe to be able to display custom widgets in the QT Designer Widget Box tool. And one last thing, you will have to tell QT Designer where the widget python files reside by setting up the PYQTDESIGNERPATH system variable to the folder where the widget files are located. For more info you can check out this stackoverflow answer. If everything is set up correctly, you will be able to see the custom plugin by clicking on Help > About Plugins.
Once you have finished modifying UI changes saved the .ui file. To convert the .ui file to python, simply run pyuic5.exe your_file_name.ui -o Make sure is importing the widget plugin as well, in our case this should be at the bottom of the generated .py file:
from MyQTDesignerPlugins.matplotlibwidget import MatplotlibWidget
In your terminal (with the virtual environment activated) navigate to the project's root folder (PyQT5_fbs) and run (for more info fbs - the packaging tool):
fbs clean
fbs freeze
fbs installer
Scipy and utide might not get picked up by the PyInstaller which would crash the app freezing process (when running fbs freeze). In order to fix this, you will have to navigate to the PyInstaller folder of your python interpretter (/python3.6/site-packages/PyInstaller/hooks) and add a file for each of the libraries that need to be imported and name them hook-[package-name].py. For utide library the contents of this file would look like this:
from PyInstaller.utils.hooks import collect_submodules
from PyInstaller.utils.hooks import collect_data_files
See this and this on stack overflow for more info.
If you are on Ubuntu and you get an error message similar to this one when running fbs freeze:
Unable to find "/usr/include/python3.6m/pyconfig.h" when adding binary and data files.
You will have to run the following command:
sudo apt-get install libpython3.6-dev
You might also have to update hidden_imports inside of your /src/build/settings/base.json by adding the following:
... ,
"hidden_imports": ["scipy", "utide", "some_other_package_that_you_added"]
If you run into issues with any other packages, you might have to list them inside of the /src/build/settings/base.json file.
- Nemanja Komar - Initial work - Nems808
See also the list of contributors who participated in this project.