Microservice Example Infrastructure

This project is a sample application for Microservice Architecture.

Microservices is a very big and detailed topic. I am sharing this repo with you I made from what I learned to improve myself.

Technologies Used

• Java 11
• Spring Boot
• Spring Cloud
• Spring Data JPA
• Netflix Eureka
• Zipkin
• Prometheus
• Kafka
• Micrometer
• Lombok
• H2
• Docker
• Grafana

How does it work?

• You should download kafka on your computer https://kafka.apache.org/ • Find the Kafka folder and enter it • Run the code suitable for your operating system • Find the Kafka folder and enter it • Run the code suitable for your operating system Mac OS ./zookeeper-server-start.sh ../config/zookeeper.properties

./kafka-server-start.sh ../config/server.properties

Windows zookeeper-server-start.bat ....\config\zookeeper.properties

kafka-server-start.bat ..\..\config\server.properties

• you have to follow this order to run the project correctly configserver -> eurekaserver -> gatewayserver -> Accounts -> Phones • Go to the downloaded project file and run the code " mvn spring-boot:run "

• You can test it by making a post request to this address http://localhost:8080/myAccount post data {"phone":{"accountId":3,"phoneBrandName":"Android","phoneSerialNumber":"123CCCOSXXXX"}}

• You can check the data you sent from this address http://localhost:9000/h2-console/


• Go to the watch folder and switch to terminal Run Prometheus and Grafana with the docker-compose up command

• Login to grafana at http://localhost:3000/login user: admin password: password • Click the "Add your first data source" button • On the screen that opens, select prometheus • On the screen that opens, enter http://prometheus:9090 from the url section and click Save & Test

• We create a dahshboard


• We enter this url on the screen that comes up and click on the load button https://grafana.com/grafana/dashboards/11378

• On the next screen, we make sure that our settings are as in the screenshot below and click the import button.


And our dashboard is ready :)


I hope everything will be fine. Have a nice day :)

Sources I have read and watched
