
Query & sort PHP arrays

Primary LanguagePHP


Basic querying & sorting for PHP arrays.


$testArray = array(
  array('name'=>'Anna','age'=>22,'owns'=> array('type'=>'furniture','label'=>'chair')),
  array('name'=>'Bill','age'=>12,'owns'=> array('type'=>'fruit','label'=>'apple')),
  array('name'=>'Cedric','age'=>33,'owns'=> array('type'=>'furniture','label'=>'sofa'))

$test = new DataList($testArray);

Basic Sort

$people = $test->sort('name');

Reverse Sort

$people = $test->sort('name','DESC');

Nested Sort

Sorts data based on values in nested properties.

$people = $test->sort('owns->label');


Search the data, or filter by criteria. If the property you're searching is a string, the search rule will be treated as a regular expression


$people = $test->sort('name');

Find alternative

More obvious regular expression. Any name starting a or b:


$people = $test->sort('name');

Numeric find

$test->where('age','> 20');

$people = $test->sort('age');

Find in nested properties

This uses object notation to drill into the data. Works on arrays and objects.


$people = $test->sort('name');

Multiple find criteria

These are treated as 'and', not 'or', so where Rule #1 AND where rule #2

$test->where('age','> 15');

$people = $test->sort('name');


Generate a basic array with only the data from teh specified property

$test->collate('ID'); // returns array e.g. array(3,19,30,52)  

$test->collate('ID'); // returns array e.g. array(52,30,19,3)

Count results

$test->where('age','> 15');

echo $test->length();

Full example

Shows querying the data and iterating over results


$testArray = array(
  array('name'=>'Anna','age'=>22,'owns'=> array('type'=>'furniture','label'=>'chair')),
  array('name'=>'Bill','age'=>12,'owns'=> array('type'=>'fruit','label'=>'apple')),
  array('name'=>'Cedric','age'=>33,'owns'=> array('type'=>'furniture','label'=>'sofa'))

$test = new DataList($testArray);

$test->where('age','> 15');

  $people = $test->sort('name');
  foreach($people as $person){
    echo $person['name'].", ".$person['age']."\n";