
It's a angular directive for bootstrap dropdown and multi-select

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


It's a angular directive for bootstrap dropdown, named 'bsDropdown'

The bsDropdown include all basic function in dropdown, include set default value, and listen change etc.

Also support multi-select on newest version.

angular-bootstrap-dropdown dependencies on AngularJS 1.2.x and Bootstrap 3

You can see an online demo on here.


0.1.0 support basic function in bsDropdown, include use ng-model to set default value, and ng-change to listen change

0.1.1 add bootstrap divider in bsDropdown

0.2.0 add bootstrap dropdown disabled and item disabled in bsDropdown

0.9.0(latest) add multi-select to bsDropdown!!


$ git clone https://github.com/AllenFang/angular-bootstrap-dropdown.git
$ cd angular-practice-example
$ npm install
$ bower install

Use gulp to test the bsDropdown

$ npm test
$ node_modules/gulp/bin/gulp.js test


Include the angular-bootstrap-dropdown library to your html page

<script src="bsDropdown.min.js"></script>

The bsDropdown.min.js is in the dist folder. In the next, include the ng.bs.dropdown to your angular module dependencies

angular.module("demoApp", ['ng.bs.dropdown'])

Then, you can go to use the angular-bootstrap-dropdown, below is a simple example

First of all, give an angular controller

angular.module("demoApp", ['ng.bs.dropdown'])
	.controller("YearController", function($scope){
		$scope.years = [
		$scope.selectYear = $scope.years[2];  //current select item
		/*changeYear function will be called if dropdown change*/
		$scope.changeYear = function(){
			console.log("YearController say... " + $scope.selectYear);

So here is your partial html code

<div ng-controller="YearController">
			<h4>You select {{selectYear}} ....</h4><br/>
			<div bs-dropdown 


Use bs-dropdown-display attribute to display default text on dropdown if there is no any default value selected
Use bs-dropdown-items attribute to specify the dropdown options
Use ng-model to set the default selected value
Use ng-change to listen up the change event on dropdown
Use bs-dropdown-divider to specify the divider, for example bs-dropdown-divider="{{[2,5]}}".
Use bs-dropdown-item-disabled to specify which option should be disabled,for example bs-dropdown-item-disabled="{{[2,5]}}".
Use bs-dropdown-disabled to set dropdown disabled, for example bs-dropdown-disabled="true".
Use bs-dropdown-multi to specify bsDropdown to be a multi-select dropdown.