What's this?

The idea is to provide a dns server which resolves dns queries by a hashmap which is updated by a heartbeat mechanism. This means that client send heartbeats in a certain interval. These messages contain the hostname and the ip address. The server takes these heartbeats and updates the entries in it's hashmap.

When later a client sends a query to the server it'll resolve it by the filled hashmap. If no entry is found the server asks all clients if it's their hostname.

As a communication base rabbit is used for heartbeats and also for other communications like active querying

It's a hobby project and more as a proof of concept. It's not intended to be used in production.

How to use/run/whatever

Either compile it (never checked if it's working on another machine).

For using it you need 2 hosts which can connect to a rabbitmq instance

On server:

go run main.go amqp://guest:guest@localhost:5672/ server

On client

go run main.go amqp://guest:guest@localhost:5672/ client $interface

On the server side Try to resolve a dns name with dig

dig -p 5553 clientname.$interface @

You can also run client and server on the same machine