📃 React Contact List

Checkout the app live here

🌱 How to start

There are two methods for getting started with this repo:

Familiar with Git?

Checkout this repo, install dependencies, then start the process with the following:

> git clone https://github.com/vishal-rathod-07/Contact-List-App.git
> cd Contact-List-App
> npm i
> npm start

Not Familiar with Git?

  1. Click here to download the .zip file.
  2. Extract the contents of the zip file.
  3. Open your terminal, change to the project directory, and type following commands:
> npm install
> npm start

💡 Functionalities

  • View all contacts
  • Load contact details
  • Add contact
  • Edit contact
  • Delete contact
  • Delete Multiple contacts
  • Serach functionality (First name, Last name, Company, Email, Phone)
  • Form validations
  • Stores your data to your local storage.
  • Responsive design for all devices.