
The application will allow a user to create new tasks, assign them a title and due date, and choose a project for that task to belong to. They will need to use a text based user interface via the command-line. Once they are using the application,the user should be able to also edit, mark as done or remove tasks. They can also quit and save the current task list to file, and then restart the application with the former state restored.

Application Instruction

The user will be able to run the program on the terminal of any code reader program of choice, as long as it's suitable for reading Java files. it's advisable to take a look at the user interface to get a better understanding on how to run the application and what to expect. the application will also have the following features:

*Tasks Display: The user can display all task by clicking on the first option " Show Task List ".

*Sort By Date: The user will be able to dispaly the list by date. after choosing the "show task list" choose option " Show Task List by date ".

*Sort By Project: The user will be able to dispaly the list by date. after choosing the "show task list" choose option " Show Task List by Project ".

*Add Tasks: The user can create new tasks from the main menu by clicking the second option " Add New Task "

*Manage Task (update, mark as done, remove): you can mark a task as done when completed to keep you up with your work flow by clicking in this option on the view list display " Manage Task (update, mark as done, remove) ".

*Save a file: on the main menu by clicking the last option " Save and Quit ".


Screenshot 2021-03-08 at 10 14 40 AM

Screenshot 2021-03-08 at 10 15 26 AM

Screenshot 2021-03-08 at 10 15 51 AM

Class Diagram

Screenshot 2021-03-08 at 10 59 55 AM

Technologies Used

Java, gradle

Project Status

On Track: The Project is at the final development phase but still not done, this project will be done by 2021-03-19.