
Just a simple Jumper cli tool.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Just a simple Jumper clI tool.

This tool aims to make an easy menu system to organize your cli workflow.

Just run jj if you have jj.js file or *.jj.js files in the current folder.


npm i -g jji

How menu structure works

  • every menu item has name: module.export.test
  • every menu item has command which can be: ss - simple script, ff - featured function or null
  • every menu item optionally can have a description. in this case the definition change to array where description is on the first place: module.exports.run = ["run simple", ss("echo hello")]
  • every menu item can have sub menu which can be after description or after command (it called as group)
    • after description: module.exports.group_name = ["group description", {...}]
    • after command: module.exports.group_name = ["group description", ss("echo hello"), {...}]
  • every group can have a group command which can be: ss - simple script
  • when one item selected, all group command and item command going to be concatenated into one string and executed in node spawn shell
  • there are 3 extra type of menu item:
    • lazy load menu - ff.lazy.do(async (resolve)=>{...}), which means when you enter into the menu the Promise start after the select
    • slow menu - ff.menu.do(async (resolve)=>{...}), which means the Promise start after the program start
    • read only - null, not selectable menu item


Menu control keys

  • arrow-up/down and tab: up/down in the menu
  • select: enter
  • one level up: esc
  • on top level: esc equals exit
  • terminate: ctrl+c
  • clear screen: ctrl+l
  • fly mode start: ctrl+space or text start with space


  • possible to run script from jj.js or *.jj.js
  • if the working folder contains *.jj.js possible to sort with number. ex. *.0.jj,js *.1.jj,js
  • prompt base sub menu system, please check the example/demo/jj.js#L1
  • search in the menu and in descriptions
  • all script runs inside a node spawn
  • provided global functions, which means you do not need to import anything for use in your *.jj.js file:
    • ss - simple script
    • ff - featured function
    • jj - just jump extra functions

Global functions

ss - simple script
ff - featured function
jj - just jump extra functions

jj for a jj global function access. In your javascript code you can use the followings:

  • 'jj.home()' which will reopen the menu on the top (root) level after the function finish

  • 'jj.stay()' which will reopen the menu on the same level after the function finish

  • 'jj.rl': const rl = await jj.rl('Type your name') which will read a line from stdin. One parameter is the question.

  • 'jj.err': jj.err('Something went wrong!') this will print an error msg if exist and exit the program.

  • 'jj.mkdir': await jj.mkdir('/path/to') this will create a folder recursively.

  • 'jj.rm': await jj.rm('/path/to') this will remove a folder recursively.

  • jj.cl*.do which run a simple script:

    • global control properties for jji workflow:
      • process.env.__shell [boolean] true means all spawn command will be executed in shell.
    • 'jj.cl.do': which run a simple script with inherited stdio. The output simple printed:jj.cl.do(`echo hello wold`) . possible to combine with fix parameter between array. jj.cl.do(``docker exec alpine sh -c``, [``ls -al``]); or jj.cl.do(``docker exec alpine sh -c``, [``ls -al``], ``/usr``, [``/path with space``]);
    • 'jj.cli.do' which run a simple script. same as jj.cl, but output is not printed and parsed. Example:const a = await jj.cli.do(`echo other done other`); console.log(a). [default]: no split. Possible to add extra parameters (option object place in the arguments list no matter):
      • splitByLine: the output will not be split: await jj.cli.splitByLine.do(``echo ${false}``, 'other'); example/demo/jj.js#L76
      • splitAll: the output will be split by line and split lines by [space and tab]: await jj.cli.splitAll.do(``echo ${false}``, ); example/demo/jj.js#L84
      • hideErr: the output will not contains stderr output: await jj.cli.hideErr.do(``echo ${false}``, 'other');. [default]: include
      • wd: set the current directory: await jj.cli.wd('/path/to').do(``echo ${false}``, 'other');. [default]: undefined
      • eol: set end of line characters: await jj.cli.eol('\r\n').do(``echo ${false}`` 'other');. [default]: \n
  • 'ff.lazy.do' for a lazy load menu, which means when you enter into the menu the Promise start after the enter. First parameter is a promise call back function, the second is a description, the third is a command. Example:ff.lazy.do(async (res)=>{}, {options})

  • '$' for a option extend, which means extra options extends the original function. Example:$$$((res, rej)=>{}, {options})

  • all command which are functions, can have options:

    • __noPrintOnSelect [boolean] true means when execute the command no header will be printed after the selection. example/real/jj.js#L50. [default]: false
    • __needInput [boolean] true if you want to use 'jj.rl' function. you can also manage manually inside yor function with process.stdin.pause() or process.stdin.resume(). example/demo/jj.js#L14. [default]: false
    • __showLoadingAfter [number] ms works only with lazy menu example/real/jj.js#L31. [default]: 100
    • __resetMenuPos [boolean] true if you want a repositioned menu. if you print anything to screen during the menu build, the default work flow clears back last menu size. works only with lazy menu example/demo/jj.js#L114. [default]: false
    • __printSelect [boolean] true if you want a selection on menu enter. works only with lazy menu example/demo/jj.js#L20. [default]: false
    • __header [function] returns string print message before menu execute example/real/jj.js#L25. you can use jj.term.colorCode* src/term.js#L237
    • __footer [function] returns string print message after menu execute example/real/jj.js#L26. you can use jj.term.colorCode* src/term.js#L237
    • __keyHandler [function] when returns true menu can handle that key. not implemented yet [default]: undefined
  • all boolean property is available on global scope because of shorter definition. example: await __(``hi ${false}``, { __splitByLine: true }, 'other'); ==> await __(``hi ${false}``, { __splitByLine }, 'other');


command description
jj it gives a nice choices menu
jj -h gives a standard help manual


  • support menu for select a script
  • fly mode