
C++ multiplatform (Unix, Windows) library for simulating input events (key press, mouse move, ...)

Primary LanguageC++MIT LicenseMIT

FakeInput library

FakeInput is user input simulation library. It provides API to programaticaly generate input events from input devices such as keyboard and mouse. Also you can use it to execute any external programs.

It is written in C++ and ported to Unix-like and Windows platforms.


Richard Jedlička (jedlicka.r@gmail.com)


To succesfully build this library you need this:

Unix-like platform only:

If you want to build also test applications, you need this:

If you want to generate API documentation, you need this:


You can use Git:

$ git clone https://uiii@github.com/uiii/FakeInput.git

or you can download the archive




  1. Open your console (on Unix-like platform) or Visual Studio command prompt (on Windows).

  2. Go to FakeInput's root and make build directory:

     $ cd FakeInput && mkdir build && cd build
  3. Now generate files needed to build:

     $ cmake ../
  4. Compile:

    On Unix-like platform run:

     $ make

    On Windows (see Notes):

     > msbuild FakeInput.sln /p:Configuration=Release

    Now the compiled library is in the bin/lib directory.

Additional options:

  • If you want to build test applications run CMake in 3. step with option -DTEST_APP=ON. Test applications will be in the bin/test directory.

  • If you want to generate API documentation run CMake in 3. step with option -DDOC=ON. Generated documentation will be in the doc directory.


Default path where to install the library is /usr/local on Unix-like platform and C:\Program Files\FakeInput on Windows. To specify another installation location run CMake in the 3. step of Build section with option -DINSTALL_PREFIX=path/where/to/install

On Unix-like platform run:

$ make install

On Windows (see Notes):

> msbuild INSTALL.vcxproj /p:Configuration=Release


On Unix-like platform run:

$ make uninstall

On Windows (see Notes):

> msbuild uninstall.vcxproj

This will remove all files and directories that were created during install.


Appropriate command depends on the generator you set to CMake (see generator-documentation), by default it is Visual Studio project file.