Dota 2 Power Multiplier ( )
Dota 2 Addon for Power Multiplier
Still in development
The vast majority of the Lua code Taken from LoD
The custom abilities including but not limited to multicast
Most of the code powering OMG mode and deathmatch mode
Code from from BareBones
Some helps on #dota2mods
dota2mods on gamesurge IRC (
Python script to generate the multiplier codes
Balanced many skills / items to keep it fun to play to both sides
Code to increase the Player HP based on factor
Code to Power up Creeps & Towers HP / armor based on factor (if enabled)
Code to emulate All Random
Code to Same Hero Mode.
What i'm working and should be done soon:
- Reworking the Skills System to OMG
- Reworking the Precache system to be faster