CVE-2021-44228 Helpers

Helpers, examples, and exploits for cve-2021-44228. Associated blog post:


Echo chamber

cd echochamber

Logs input via log4j.

Build: ./gradlew build

Run: ./gradlew run --console=plain

Ldap Exfil Server

cd ldap-listener

Ldap server that logs requests to allow for exfiltration

Build: pip install -r requirements.txt

Run: python3 <port>

Vulnerable applications

Spring Hibernate

cd spring-hibernate-ex

A sample app using Spring and Hibernate that's vulnerable to RMI deserialization.

Build: ./gradlew build

Run: ./gradlew bootRun

Class Inclusion

cd class-inclusion-ex

A sample app with com.sun.jndi.ldap.object.trustURLCodebase=true thats vulnerable to class inclusion

Build: ./gradlew build

Run: ./gradlew run --console=plain


Exploit Class Inclusion

cd exploit-class-inclusion

Simple instructions on how to exploit class inclusion.

Exploit RMI Deserialization

cd exploit-rmi-deserialization

Simple on how to exploit RMI Deserialization for the spring-hibernate-ex example.


Everything was tested with java 11 (sdk use java 11.0.11.j9-adpt).