
Data related to Carpentry@UiO for analysis and visualisation

Creative Commons Zero v1.0 UniversalCC0-1.0

Carpentry@UiO Data

Data related to Carpentry@UiO for analysis and visualisation.

The idea for this small, community-focused data analysis and visualisation project was formed in the first remote Carpentry@UiO StudyGroup session during the Covid-19 pandemic on March 19, 2020.

We want to show how our local Carpentries community has developed over time, from the first Software Carpentry workshop held in 2012 to the weekly programming and data wrangling workshops in spring 2020. The focus is on the range of things we are teaching in our workshops, the frequency, the interest in workshops and participation rates, as well as the growth of and changing shape of the community as such with all its instructors, helpers, library support staff, policy makers, and non the least: it's learners!

We are welcoming contributions, please consult the general Contributing guidelines of Carpentry@UiO and the Carpentries Code of Conduct


Data about the Carpentry@UiO community comes from different sources. Some if these data have personal information, which classifies them as non openly sharable unless anonymized. We are currently working on anonymizing data so it can be shared and published. For the time being, only data that does not contain any personal information will be available on this repository. For the purpose of a quick overview, we use the University of Oslo's data classification guide. All data that can be shared openly and freely is green, all data that contains personal, but non-sensitive data, is yellow (and cannot be shared openly before anonymisation). Published personal information (non-sensitive), e.g. names of instructors on public websites, is green data.

Green data

Yellow data

  • Carpentry@UiO mailing lists for organizers, Nov 2015 to Mar 2020 (data collection ongoing), not public
  • Carpentry@UiO mailing lists for announcements, Dec 2015 to Mar 2020 (data collection ongoing), not public
  • Workshop registrations via Nettskjema and Pindena, not complete, partly anonymized, partly deleted; not public
  • Post-workshop survey results via Nettskjema and Pindena, not complete, partly anonymized; not public
  • Instructor status survey, Nov 2019; not public

Licenses and Terms of Use


All data in this repository is shared with a Creative Commons CC0 Public Domain Dedication, that means, we waive copyright interests and dedicate the data to the world-wide public domain. This means you can use the data (even commercially), you can distribute it freely, and you can modify it. In the spirit of good academic practice, we would, however, kindly ask you to cite us as a source when using our data. Look under Citation for how to do that.


All software, including code and scripts are licensed under the Unlicense. This means we dedicate the software, code, and scripts to the public domain. You can use the software (even commercially), you can distribute it freely, and you can modify it. In the spirit of good academic practice, we would, however, kindly ask you to cite us as a source when using our data. Look under Citation for how to do that.

Non-data and Non-software – Text, Images, etc.

All that is not data or software is licensed under a CC-BY4.0 Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International license. This means you can use the materials, even commercially, you can distribute them freely, you can modify them, as long as you attribute us. If you make changes (modifications, incl. translations), you must state what you have changed, so that it is clear what has been modified compared to the original. Look under Citation for how to cite and attribute us.


Annika Rockenberger, Tobias Busch, Anne Fouilloux. (2020, March). uio-carpentry/carpdata: Carpentry@UiO Data, March 2020.