
Plattform for tilgjengeliggjøring og redigering av Postgres-baser

Primary LanguagePHP


Felles webgrensesnitt for mindre Postgres-baser driftet av Universitetsbiblioteket i Oslo som Letras (norske oversettelser av spansk og spanskamerikansk litteratur), Norsk Litteraturkrtikk (Beyer-basen)og Dommers populærnavn.


Local development


  • PHP 7.1 and Composer
  • NodeJS 18
  • Docker and docker-compose

The app can also be run locally without Docker, but then you need to install Apache (or another web server) and Postgres.

Getting started

  1. npm install to install frontend dependencies into ./node_modules
  2. npm run build to build frontend components (CSS, JS)
  3. composer install to install PHP dependencies into ./vendor
  4. docker-compose up to start the app.

Docker Compose starts two containers: db (the Postgres database) and app (Apache + PHP).

When the app container starts, it will first run the entrypoint.sh script which takes care of migrating the database, creating all neccessary tables, collations etc.

Once ready, the app will be available at http://localhost:8080

To stop the server, press Ctrl-C.

Creating the first admin user

The ub-baser:create-local-user artisan command is used to create a local admin user in development, where SAML is not configured. Please don't use this in production!

Without Docker: (requires local Postgres)

php artisan ub-baser:create-local-admin

With Docker:

docker-compose run --rm app php artisan ub-baser:create-local-admin

The source for this command is app/Console/Commands/CreateAdminCommand.php

A random password will be shown. There is no way to retrieve it if you loose it, so please make a note of it in a secure storage (password manager or similar).

You should now be able to login at http://localhost:8080/login and add additional rights at http://localhost:8080/admin/users/1/edit

Importing data

Data can be imported from the initial-import folder using the import commands. For instance you can import data from initial-import/litteraturkritikk to the litteraturkritikk database like so:

Without Docker: (requires local Postgres install)

php artisan import:litteraturkritikk initial-import/litteraturkritikk

With Docker:

docker-compose run --rm -v "$(pwd)"/initial-import:/initial-import app php artisan import:litteraturkritikk /initial-import/litteraturkritikk

The source for this command is app/Console/Commands/ImportLitteraturkritikkCommand.php.

Troubleshooting local development

If the app container fails to start, try rebuilding the image:

docker-compose build

To clean up and start from scratch:

docker-compose down
docker system prune
docker volume prune   # Note: Deletes the local database

Resetting the database

If you need to delete the database and start over again, use the migrate:fresh artisan command:

docker-compose run --rm app php artisan migrate:fresh

Making changes to the Docker image and Apache/PHP config

If you need to rebuild the Docker image, e.g. after having made changes to the Dockerfile, run:

docker-compose up --build

You don't need to rebuild the image after changes to the application itself, since the current directory is mounted into the Docker container when using the development configuration (see docker-compose.yml).

When testing changes to the Apache config, it can be useful to also mount the config file/folder, to avoid having to rebuild the image for every change. Here's an example where we mount the sites-available folder:

docker-compose run --rm -v "$(pwd)"/docker/sites-available:/etc/apache2/sites-available/ app

Running tests

Tests will run in the staging environment by default, so that tests will run isolated from your development environment. To start containers for this environment:

APP_ENV=staging docker-compose up -d

Run the WebdriverIO tests against http://localhost:8080:

npm run test

To run tests against another host, you can specify TEST_BASE_URL. If you use Docker Machine:

TEST_BASE_URL="http://$(docker-machine ip):8081" npm run test

To run a single test:

APP_ENV=staging npx wdio tests/wdio.conf.js --spec ./tests/selenium/specs/login.js

Making changes to stylesheets or JavaScript

Run npm run watch to build these resources as you make changes to the source files in the resources folder.

Deployment instructions

1. Install Apache, PHP and NodeJS

Install Apache and PHP 8.1:

dnf install httpd mod_ssl
dnf module install php:8.1/common

Follow the steps in Product Documentation for Red Hat Enterprise Linux 9. Chapter 6. Using the PHP scripting language to make Apache start at boot.

Install packages needed by PHP and NPM dependencies:

dnf install autoconf automake libtool make cmake gettext zlib-devel

Install the Postgres client library and PHP module:

dnf install postgresql php-pdo php-pgsql

Install the GD and Zip PHP modules and their dependencies:

dnf install gd gd-devel php-gd php-zip

Git is needed to clone the app:

dnf install git

Node 18 is needed to build frontend components, but is not a runtime dependency:

dnf module install nodejs:18/common composer

Composer is needed for installing PHP dependencies:

2. Configure SSL certificate

Follow the steps Kokebok for bestilling og utstedelse av SSL-sertifikater to order a certificate and install it with Apache.

Store the certificate in /etc/httpd/uio-ssl/2024/ub-baser_uio_no.crt, the private key in /etc/httpd/uio-ssl/2024/ub-baser.uio.no.key and the CA certificate in /etc/httpd/uio-ssl/2024/intermediate.crt. The files should be owned by root.

Run restorecon -r /etc/httpd/ after copying the files to restore SELinux security contexts, ensuring that Apache has read access to the files.

3. Clone the app and install dependencies

Clone the app and install Composer and NPM dependencies:

cd /srv
git clone https://github.com/uio-library/ub-baser
cd ub-baser
composer install
npm install
npm run production

4. Update SELinux security context

For Apache to get access to /srv/ub-baser/, we must assign the httpd_sys_content_t SELinux security context. And httpd_sys_rw_content_t to the folder that should be writable.

semanage fcontext -a -t httpd_sys_content_t /srv/ub-baser/
semanage fcontext -a -t httpd_sys_rw_content_t /srv/ub-baser/storage
restorecon -R -v /srv/ub-baser/

Ref: Setting up the Apache HTTP web server and httpd_selinux

5. Add configuration to .env

  • Add your database settings to the /srv/ub-baser/.env file.
  • In production, make sure to set APP_DEBUG=false to avoid leaking secrets.

6. Run database migrations

This will both test that we can connect to the database and add/update any missing tables:

php artisan migrate

7. Setup SSO (SAML)

Create a SAML tenant uio-weblogin for the UiO Weblogin IdP (the name "uio-weblogin" should match the value for SAML2_DEFAULT_TENANT in the .env file), using metadata from https://weblogin.uio.no/simplesaml/saml2/idp/metadata.php?output=xhtml.

php artisan saml2:create-tenant \
    --key=uio-weblogin \
    --entityId=https://weblogin.uio.no/simplesaml/saml2/idp/metadata.php \
    --loginUrl=https://weblogin.uio.no/simplesaml/saml2/idp/SSOService.php \
    --logoutUrl=https://weblogin.uio.no/simplesaml/saml2/idp/SingleLogoutService.php \

See https://github.com/24Slides/laravel-saml2 for more options.

To list configured IdPs:

php artisan saml2:list-tenants

To use UiO's test environment instead, create a new tenant using metadata from https://weblogin-test.uio.no/simplesaml/saml2/idp/metadata.php?output=xhtml:

php artisan saml2:create-tenant \
    --key=uio-weblogin-test \
    --entityId=https://weblogin-test.uio.no/simplesaml \
    --loginUrl=https://weblogin-test.uio.no/simplesaml/saml2/idp/SSOService.php \
    --logoutUrl=https://weblogin-test.uio.no/simplesaml/saml2/idp/SingleLogoutService.php \

and set SAML2_DEFAULT_TENANT=uio-weblogin-test in the .env file.

8. Configure Apache

Add vhosts to /etc/apache2/sites-available/ub-baser.conf:

<VirtualHost *:80>
    # This first-listed virtual host is also the default for *:80
    RewriteEngine On
    RewriteCond %{HTTPS} off
    RewriteRule (.*) https://%{HTTP_HOST}%{REQUEST_URI}

<VirtualHost *:443>
    SSLEngine On

    SSLCertificateFile /etc/httpd/uio-ssl/2024/ub-baser_uio_no.crt
    SSLCertificateKeyFile /etc/httpd/uio-ssl/2024/ub-baser.uio.no.key
    SSLCertificateChainFile /etc/httpd/uio-ssl/2024/intermediate.crt

    SSLProtocol all -TLSv1.1 -TLSv1 -SSLv2 -SSLv3

    SSLHonorCipherOrder     on

    Header always set Strict-Transport-Security "max-age=63072000; includeSubdomains;"

    DocumentRoot    /srv/ub-baser/public
    DirectoryIndex  index.php

    RewriteEngine   On

    <Directory /srv/ub-baser/public>
        Options FollowSymLinks
        AllowOverride None
        Require all granted

        # Redirect Trailing Slashes If Not A Folder...
        RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
        RewriteRule ^(.*)/$ /$1 [L,R=301]

        # Handle Front Controller...
        RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
        RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
        RewriteRule ^ /index.php [L]

<VirtualHost *:80>
    ServerName www.norsklitteraturkritikk.no
    RewriteEngine On
    RewriteRule (.*) https://ub-baser.uio.no/norsk-litteraturkritikk [R,L]

<VirtualHost *:80>
    ServerName norsklitteraturkritikk.no
    RewriteEngine On
    RewriteRule (.*) https://ub-baser.uio.no/norsk-litteraturkritikk [R,L]

<VirtualHost *:80>
    ServerName opes.uio.no
    RewriteEngine On
    RewriteRule (.*) https://ub-baser.uio.no/opes [R,L]

<VirtualHost *:443>
    ServerName www.norsklitteraturkritikk.no
    Include /etc/apache2/include/ssl.conf
    RewriteEngine On
    RewriteRule (.*) https://ub-baser.uio.no/norsk-litteraturkritikk [R,L]

<VirtualHost *:443>
    ServerName norsklitteraturkritikk.no
    Include /etc/apache2/include/ssl.conf
    RewriteEngine On
    RewriteRule (.*) https://ub-baser.uio.no/norsk-litteraturkritikk [R,L]

<VirtualHost *:443>
    ServerName opes.uio.no
    Include /etc/apache2/include/ssl.conf
    RewriteEngine On
    RewriteRule (.*) https://ub-baser.uio.no/opes [R,L]

Production notes

Securing the app

  • In .env, make sure that the following settings are set:

    • APP_ENV=production
    • APP_DEBUG=false
    • APP_KEY is not empty (run php artisan key:generate to generate a key if none exists)
  • The webserver should only have write access to the storage directory:

    chown -R apache:ub-utv /srv/ub-baser/storage chmod -R u+rwX,g+rwX /srv/ub-baser/storage

  • Only use SAML, not local users, in production.

Optimizing for production

In production, it's a good idea to create caches manually:

php artisan config:cache  # stored in bootstrap/cache/config.php
php artisan route:cache  # stored in bootstrap/cache/routes.php
php artisan view:cache  # stored in storage/framework/views

This way, we don't need to give the webserver write access to bootstrap/cache.

User management in production

When a new user logs in using SSO, a user with no rights is automatically added to the users table. An admin can then assign rights to the user.

To create the first admin user, use the ub-baser:create-saml-user command:

php artisan ub-baser:create-saml-user username@uio.no --admin

The user is stored in the users table with admin rights and can now login using SSO.