
Comprehensive Parallel I/O Tracing and Analysis

Primary LanguageCOtherNOASSERTION



Comprehensive Parallel I/O Tracing and Analysis

Recorder is a multi-level I/O tracing framework that can capture I/O function calls at multiple levels of the I/O stack, including HDF5, PnetCDF, NetCDF, MPI-IO, and POSIX I/O. Recorder requires no modification or recompilation of the application and users can control what levels are traced.



git clone https://github.com/uiuc-hpc/Recorder.git
cd Recorder
export RECORDER_INSTALL_PATH=`pwd`/install
git submodule update --init --recursive
mkdir build && cd build
make && make install


mpirun -np N -env LD_PRELOAD $RECORDER_INSTALL_PATH/lib/librecorder.so ./your-app

# On HPC systems, you may need to use srun or
# other job schedulers to replace mpirun, e.g.,
srun -n4 -N1 --overlap --export=ALL,LD_PRELOAD=$RECORDER_INSTALL_PATH/lib/librecorder.so ./your-app
flux run -n 4 --env LD_PRELOAD=$RECORDER_INSTALL_PATH/ilb/librecorder.so ./your-app


Recorder documentation is at https://recorder.readthedocs.io/.


Wang, Chen, Jinghan Sun, Marc Snir, Kathryn Mohror, and Elsa Gonsiorowski. “Recorder 2.0: Efficient Parallel I/O Tracing and Analysis.” In IEEE International Workshop on High-Performance Storage (HPS), 2020. https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/abstract/document/9150354

Recorder has undergone substantial updates since the publication of the 'Recorder 2.0' paper. These include the integration of a new pattern-based compression algorithm, expanded support for the complete set of HDF5, NetCDF, and PnetCDF calls, as well as numerous additional features. For detailed information, please refer to and cite the latest version here: https://arxiv.org/abs/2501.04654.