
A piece of view can be divided into areas where the width or height can be adjusted by dragging.

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A piece of content can be divided into areas that can be dragged to adjust the width or height.

import { Split } from 'uiw';

@uiw/react-split extracted from the component library uiw can be used alone.

import Split from '@uiw/react-split';

Basic usage

By setting the minWidth style of the child node, you can set the minimum drag width value. By setting the child node style flexBasis style, you can set the proportion width of the default split content.

  • Fixed initial width or height, which can be calculated by setting the child node, style width: '80%' to 100% width.
  • Drag to the minimum width, you can achieve the effect by setting the child node style minWidth: 30.
  • By default, the style width is not set, and a child node style needs to be set to flex: 1 to adapt
import React from 'react';
import Split from '@uiw/react-split';

const Demo = () => (
    <Split style={{ height: 100, border: '1px solid #d5d5d5', borderRadius: 3 }}>
      <div style={{ width: '20%', minWidth: 30 }}>
          style={{ width: '100%', height: '100%' }}
          title="Code Preview"
          sandbox="allow-forms allow-modals allow-pointer-lock allow-popups allow-presentation allow-same-origin allow-scripts"
      <div style={{ width: '80%', minWidth: 100 }}>Right Pane</div>
    <Split style={{ height: 100, border: '1px solid #d5d5d5', borderRadius: 3 }}>
      <div style={{ minWidth: 60 }}>test</div>
      <div style={{ minWidth: 80, flex: 1 }}>Right Pane</div>
export default Demo;

Available for layout

Setting visible={false} disables the drag bar, which can be used for layout.

import React from 'react';
import Split from '@uiw/react-split';

const Demo = () => (
    <Split mode="vertical" visible={false}>
      <div style={{ minHeight: 45, background: '#dcdcdc' }}>Header</div>
      <Split visible={false}>
        <div style={{ minWidth: 200, maxWidth: 200, minHeight: 120, background: '#b5b5b5' }}>Sider</div>
        <div style={{ width: '100%', background: '#ececec' }}>Content</div>
      <div style={{ minHeight: 45, background: '#dcdcdc' }}>Footer</div>
    <div style={{ height: 20 }}></div>
    <Split visible={false}>
      <div style={{ minWidth: 200, maxWidth: 200, minHeight: 85, background: '#a9a9a9' }}>Sider</div>
      <Split mode="vertical" visible={false} style={{ width: '100%' }}>
        <div style={{ minHeight: 45, background: '#dcdcdc' }}>Header</div>
        <div style={{ minHeight: 85, background: '#b5b5b5' }}>Content</div>
        <div style={{ minHeight: 45, background: '#dcdcdc' }}>Footer</div>
export default Demo;

multi-column split

import React from 'react';
import Split from '@uiw/react-split';

const Demo = () => (
  <Split style={{ height: 100, border: '1px solid #d5d5d5', borderRadius: 3 }}>
    <div>Left Pane</div>
    <div>Center Pane</div>
    <div>Center Pane</div>
    <div style={{ flex: 1 }}>Right Pane</div>
export default Demo;

line drag

import React from 'react';
import Split from '@uiw/react-split';

const Demo = () => (
    <Split lineBar style={{ height: 100, border: '1px solid #d5d5d5', borderRadius: 3 }}>
      <div>Left Pane</div>
      <div>Center Pane</div>
      <div>Center Pane</div>
      <div style={{ flex: 1 }}>Right Pane</div>
    <Split mode="vertical" lineBar style={{ height: 210, border: '1px solid #d5d5d5', borderRadius: 3, marginTop: 10 }}>
      <div style={{ height: '33.3%' }}>Left Pane</div>
      <div style={{ height: '33.3%' }}>Center Pane</div>
      <div style={{ flex: 1 }}>Right Pane</div>
export default Demo;

vertical split

import React from 'react';
import Split from '@uiw/react-split';

const Demo = () => (
  <Split mode="vertical" style={{ height: 200, border: '1px solid #d5d5d5', borderRadius: 3 }}>
    <div style={{ height: '50%' }}>Top Pane</div>
    <div style={{ height: '50%' }}>Bottom Pane</div>
export default Demo;

nested use

import React from 'react';
import Split from '@uiw/react-split';

const Demo = () => (
  <Split style={{ height: 200, border: '1px solid #d5d5d5', borderRadius: 3 }}>
    <Split mode="vertical">
      <div style={{ height: '50%' }}>Top Pane</div>
      <Split style={{ height: '50%' }}>
        <div>Left Pane</div>
        <div style={{ flex: 1 }}>Right Pane</div>
    <div style={{ flex: 1 }}>Right Pane</div>
export default Demo;

Drag tool not showing

The following example sets whether the drag tool is visible by setting the value of visiable.

import React from 'react';
import Split from '@uiw/react-split';

const Demo = () => (
    <Split visiable={false} style={{ height: 100, border: '1px solid #d5d5d5', borderRadius: 3 }}>
      <div style={{ maxWidth: 100, backgroundColor: '#eaeaea' }}>Left Pane</div>
      <div style={{ flex: 1 }}>Right Pane</div>
    <Split visiable={[4, 5]} style={{ height: 100, border: '1px solid #d5d5d5', borderRadius: 3, marginTop: 10 }}>
      <div style={{ maxWidth: 50, backgroundColor: '#eaeaea' }}>Pane 1</div>
      <div style={{ maxWidth: 60 }}>Pane 2</div>
      <div>Pane 3</div>
      <div>Pane 4</div>
      <div style={{ flex: 1 }}>Pane 5</div>
export default Demo;

Disable drag and drop

Disable drag tool dragging by setting the value of disable.

import React from 'react';
import Split from '@uiw/react-split';

const Demo = () => (
    <Split disable style={{ height: 100, border: '1px solid #d5d5d5', borderRadius: 3 }}>
      <div style={{ maxWidth: 100, backgroundColor: '#eaeaea' }}>Left Pane</div>
      <Split disable mode="vertical">
        <div>Top Pane</div>
        <div>Bottom Pane</div>
      <div style={{ flex: 1 }}>Right Pane</div>
    <Split disable={[4, 5]} style={{ height: 100, border: '1px solid #d5d5d5', borderRadius: 3, marginTop: 10 }}>
      <div style={{ maxWidth: 50, backgroundColor: '#eaeaea' }}>Pane 1</div>
      <div style={{ maxWidth: 60 }}>Pane 2</div>
      <div>Pane 3</div>
      <div>Pane 4</div>
      <div style={{ flex: 1 }}>Pane 5</div>
export default Demo;


Draggable left column width.

import React from 'react';
import Split from '@uiw/react-split';
import { Menu, Button } from 'uiw';

class Demo extends React.Component {
  constructor(props) {
    this.state = {
      width: 210,
  onClick() {
      width: this.state.width === 0 ? 210 : 0,
  render() {
    const styl = { lineHeight: 0 };
    if (this.state.width === 0) {
      styl.width = `0%`;
    } else {
      styl.width = this.state.width;
    return (
        <div style={{ marginBottom: 10 }}>
          <Button type="primary" onClick={this.onClick.bind(this)}>
            {this.state.width === 0 ? '隐藏菜单' : '展示菜单'}
        <Split lineBar visiable={this.state.width !== 0} style={{ border: '1px solid #d5d5d5', borderRadius: 3 }}>
          <div style={{ ...styl, overflow: 'hidden' }}>
              <Menu.Item icon="heart-on" text="另存为" active />
              <Menu.Item icon="appstore" text="应用商城" />
              <Menu.Item icon="bar-chart" text="月统计报表导出" />
              <Menu.Item icon="setting" text="偏好设置" />
              <Menu.Divider />
              <Menu.Item icon="map" text="谷歌地图" />
          <div style={{ flex: 1, minWidth: 30 }}>Right Pane</div>
export default Demo;

Support custom drag and drop toolbar

import React from 'react';
import Split from '@uiw/react-split';

const Demo = () => (
      renderBar={({ onMouseDown, ...props }) => {
        return (
          <div {...props} style={{ boxShadow: 'none', background: 'transparent' }}>
            <div onMouseDown={onMouseDown} style={{ backgroundColor: '#ff000057', boxShadow: 'none' }} />
      style={{ height: 100, border: '1px solid #d5d5d5', borderRadius: 3 }}
      <div style={{ minWidth: 60 }}>test</div>
      <div style={{ minWidth: 80, flex: 1 }}>Right Pane</div>
export default Demo;


export interface SplitProps extends Omit<React.HTMLAttributes<HTMLDivElement>, 'onDragEnd'> {
  style?: React.CSSProperties;
  className?: string;
  prefixCls?: string;
   * Drag width/height change callback function,
   * the width or height is determined according to the mode parameter
  onDragging?: (preSize: number, nextSize: number, paneNumber: number) => void;
  /** Callback function for dragging end */
  onDragEnd?: (preSize: number, nextSize: number, paneNumber: number) => void;
  /** Support custom drag and drop toolbar */
  renderBar?: (props: React.HTMLAttributes<HTMLDivElement>) => JSX.Element;
  /** Set the drag and drop toolbar as a line style. */
  lineBar?: boolean;
  /** Set the dragged toolbar, whether it is visible or not */
  visible?: boolean | number[];
   * @deprecated Use `visible` instead
  visiable?: boolean | number[];
   * Set the drag and drop toolbar, disable
  disable?: boolean | number[];
   * type, optional `horizontal` or `vertical`
  mode?: 'horizontal' | 'vertical';


Runs the project in development mode.

# Step 1, run first, listen to the component compile and output the .js file
npm run watch
npm run build
# Step 2, development mode, listen to compile preview website instance
npm run doc


Builds the app for production to the build folder.

npm run released

The build is minified and the filenames include the hashes. Your app is ready to be deployed!


As always, thanks to our amazing contributors!

Made with contributors.


Licensed under the MIT License.