** STEPS **

Project setup

npm init svelte@next gql

With this configs

Tailwind Setup

yarn add -D autoprefixer postcss-cli tailwindcss concurrently cross-env

touch ./postcss.config.cjs

module.exports = {
    plugins: {
        autoprefixer: {},
        tailwindcss: {},

npx tailwindcss init tailwind.config.cjs

mkdir src/styles

touch src/styles/tailwind.scss

@tailwind base;
@tailwind components;
@tailwind utilities;

yarn dev

Server Setup

mkdir server

cd server/

yarn init -y

yarn add typescript ts-node -D

npx tsc --init

yarn add apollo-server graphql

touch index.ts

GraphQL Generator setup

in the root of the project:

yarn add @graphql-codegen/cli -D

yarn add @graphql-codegen/introspection @graphql-codegen/named-operations-object -D

yarn add @graphql-codegen/typescript @graphql-codegen/typescript-operations -D

yarn add @graphql-codegen/typescript-urql @graphql-codegen/urql-introspection @graphql-codegen/urql-svelte-operations-store -D

yarn add @urql/svelte urql graphql

  "scripts": {
    "generate": "grapql-codegen --config codegen.yml"