
IOCTL Fuzzer

  1. Load target driver on Immunity debugger.
  2. Issue !ioctl_dump PyCommand. (pickle file will be saved in Immunity debugger directory.)
  3. python ioctl_fuzzer.py [pickle filename]

File Fuzzer

  1. Make examples and crashes directories in the parent directory of the script.
  2. Make seed files (suitable for fuzzee) in the examples directory.
  3. Update lib/site-packages/pygdb/pygdb.py.
[-] if mbi.State != MEM_COMMIT or mbi.Type == MEM_IMAGE:  
[+] if mbi.State != MEM_COMMIT:
  1. python file_fuzzer.py -e [fuzzee path] -x .[extension for seed files]

command lines for each file parsing engine


"C:\Program Files\AhnLab\V3Lite30\V3LMedic.exe" /manual_scan /target:


"C:\Program Files\ESTsoft\Alyac\AYCon.exe" -s [target_path]