Bitcoin Unlimited Improvement Proposal Archive and related documentation.
To submit a BUIP please post your proposal at
Once we agreed on the number to assign to your proposal and copy-editing it (if needed), your proposal will be voted by BU members. To pass, your proposal need to gather a majority BU members votes and at the same time reach the quorum (see, Article 2 for more details).
This is the current list of submitted BUIPs.
Number | Title | Proposer | Submit | Status |
BUIP001 | Extensions to the Bitcoin Client | Andrew Stone | 2015-11-26 | passed |
BUIP002 | Multi-BIP Scaling Enabler | Andrew Clifford | 2015-12-30 | passed |
BUIP003 | Andrew Quentson (Aquent) for Secretary | Andrew Quentson | 2015-12-30 | passed |
BUIP004 | RBF/double spending support | Pete Waterland (inca) | 2015-12-31 | passed |
BUIP005 | Settings information via coinbase-txn & user-agent | Andrew Clifford | 2015-12-31 (Revision 1, user-agent, 2016-01-07) | passed |
BUIP006 | Blocktorrent – a torrent-style block data transport | freetrader | 2016-01-07 | closed |
BUIP007 | Lee Adams (redditchampsys) for president | Lee Adams | 2016-01-09 | closed |
BUIP008 | Vote Andrew Stone for Developer | Andrew Stone (thezerg) | 2016-01-09 | passed |
BUIP009 | User-configurable public-key cryptography (let users choose from predefined cryptosystems) | Simon Liu | 2016-01-09 | draft |
BUIP010 | Xtreme Thinblocks | Peter Tschipper | 2016-01-10 | passed |
BUIP011 | Andrew Clifford for President | Andrew Clifford | 2016-01-12 | passed |
BUIP012 | Vote Trevin Hofmann for President | Trevin Hofmann | 2016-01-13 | closed |
BUIP013 | Upgrade alert system so that Bitcoin Unlimited can send message alerts to node | Simon Liu | 2016-01-14 (rev 2. 25 Jan 2016, rev 3. 26 Jan 2016) | passed |
BUIP014 | Testing a Bitcoin Unlimited X-Relay Network for miners in mainland China | Andrew Clifford | 2016-03-03 | passed |
BUIP015 | Decentralize mining with the FAIR PoW algorithm and an user-configurable PoW setting | Simon Liu | 2016-01-19 | draft |
BUIP016 | Consensus with Classic on txn size limit | Andrew Clifford | 2016-01-20 | passed |
BUIP017 | Datastream Compression | Peter Tschipper | 03/20/2016 | draft |
BUIP018 | Bitnodes Seeding and User-Configurable DNS Seeds | Simon Liu | 2016-04-02 | passed |
BUIP019 | New Members for Election #1 | Andrew Clifford | 2016-04-29 | passed |
BUIP020 | Implement bit-0 soft-forks (BIPs 9,68,112,113) | freetrader | 2016-06-09 | withdrawn |
BUIP021 | Proposal for implementation of node performance testing and safe block size estimation and broadcast | Peter Waterland | 2016-07-18 | draft |
BUIP022 | XInv | Peter Tschipper | 2016-07-30 | draft |
BUIP023 | Miner block creation latency optimization | Andrew Stone | 2016-08-1 | passed |
BUIP024 | Extension Blocks with Address Sharding | Andrew Stone | 2016-08-03 | draft |
BUIP025 | BU "Bronze Sponsor" at Scaling Bitcoin, Milan, Italy | Andrew Clifford | 2016-09-10 | passed crowdfunded |
BUIP026 | Bounties for Software Exploits | Tim Potter (sponsored by Andrew Clifford) | 2017-03-29 | passed |
BUIP027 | Satoshi's Vision - Development & Scaling Conference | Andrew Clifford | 2016-09-31 | passed |
BUIP028 | Candidacy for Secretary role - digitsu | Jerry Chan | 2016-09-03 | closed |
BUIP029 | Vote Trevin Hofmann for Secretary | Trevin Hofmann | 2016-09-06 | closed |
BUIP030 | Website updates | Jerry Chan | 2016-09-29 | passed |
BUIP031 | New Members for Election #2 | Andrew Clifford (solex) | 2016-09-30 | passed |
BUIP032 | Vote Peter R for Secretary | Peter Rizun (Peter R) | 2016-10-05 | passed |
BUIP033 | Parallel Validation | Peter Tschipper | 2016-10-22 | passed |
BUIP034 | Ecosystem Outreach for Onchain Scaling | Andrew Clifford (solex) | 2016-10-23 | passed |
BUIP035 | New Bitcoin Unlimited Website | Peter Rizun (Peter R) | 2016-11-04 | passed |
BUIP036 | New Members for Election #3 | Andrew Clifford | 2016-11-05 | passed |
BUIP037 | Hardfork SegWit | Amaury SECHET | 2016-11-12 | draft |
BUIP038 | Revert "sticky gate" | Tom Harding (Sponsor: freetrader) | 2016-11-27 | closed |
BUIP039 | Upgrade via extension point | Amaury SÉCHET | 2016-12-04 | draft |
BUIP040 | Emergent Consensus Parameters and Defaults for Large (>1MB) Blocks | Andrew Stone | 2016-12-05 | passed |
BUIP041 | (BUIP038 Counter) Prevent Minority Hash Power From Injecting Very Large Blocks | Andrew Stone | 2016-12-07 | closed |
BUIP042 | New Members for Election #4 | Andrew Clifford | 2016-12-16 | passed |
BUIP043 | Exploring the Bitcoin Network | Dr Saralees Nadarajah, @S Nadarajah (Sponsor: Peter Rizun) | 2016-12-23 | closed |
BUIP044 | Development Process | Amaury SÉCHET | 2017-01-09 | draft |
BUIP045 | Unified addresses format for BUIP037 | Amaury SÉCHET | 2017-01-12 | draft |
BUIP046 | Faster, Higher Quality Publication Process for the Bitcoin Research Journal Ledger | Christopher E. Wilmer (BU member, @chriswilmer) | 2017-02-17 | passed |
BUIP047 | The Future of Bitcoin - Development & Scaling Conference | Antony Zegers (@mengerian) | 2017-02-23 | passed |
BUIP048 | New Members for Election #5 | Andrew Clifford (@solex) | 2017-03-09 | passed |
BUIP049 | Amend AoC to change membership period | Windowly | 2017-03-18 | closed |
BUIP050 | Double yes with tie-break question | torusJKL | 2017-03-18 | closed |
BUIP051 | Add CompactBlocks support | freetrader | 2017-04-13 | passed |
BUIP052 | Set up dedicated Continuous Integration | freetrader | 2017-04-15 | passed |
BUIP053 | Tweakable client DoS responses | freetrader | 2017-05-01 | passed |
BUIP054 | Make AD optional and disabled by default | freetrader | 2017-05-05 | closed |
BUIP055 | Increase the Block Size Limit at a Fixed Block Height | Peter Rizun | 2017-05-10 | passed |
BUIP056 | Increase the Block Size Limit at a Support Threshold | Tomas van der Wansem (Sponsor: Zangelbert Bingledack) | 2017-05-12 | passed |
BUIP057 | Add BIP 135 support (generalized BIP9 version bits) | Sancho Panza (Sponsor: Andrea Suisani) | 2017-04-14 | passed |
BUIP058 | Dynamic checkpoints | freetrader | 2017-05-19 | withdrawn |
BUIP059 | Make "sticky gate" optional (disabled by default) | freetrader | 2017-05-21 | draft |
BUIP060 | New Members for Election #6 | Andrew Clifford (@solex) | 2017-05-22 | passed |
BUIP061 | Demonstration of Phase in Full Network Upgrade Activated by Miners | LIN Zheming | 2017-06-13 | draft |
BUIP062 | Funded Development, aka Devpool | Andrew Clifford (@solex) | 2017-08-24 | passed |
BUIP063 | Support Bitcoin Cash with an official implementation | Andrew Clifford (@solex) | 2017-09-01 | passed |
BUIP064 | Support Segwit2x with an official implementation | Andrew Clifford (@solex) | 2017-09-01 | rejected |
BUIP065 | Gigablock Testnet Initiative | Peter Rizun (@Peter R) | 2017-08-28 | passed |
BUIP066 | Ecosystem Outreach for Onchain Scaling, Part II | Andrew Clifford (@solex) | 2017-09-02 | passed |
BUIP067 | New Members for Election #7 | Andrew Clifford (@solex) | 2017-09-09 | passed |
BUIP068 | The Future of Bitcoin 2 Conference | Antony Zegers (@Mengerian) | 2017-11-01 | passed |
BUIP070 | Support BitPay's new Bitcoin Cash address format in BUCash | Gal Buki (@torusJKL) | 2017-11-08 | passed |
BUIP071 | Make Bitcoin Cash the "Release" Version of Bitcoin Unlimited | Peter Rizun (@Peter R) | 2017-11-13 | passed |
BUIP072 | Partially re-weight BU's funds towards BCH | Peter Rizun (@Peter R) | 2017-11-13 | passed |
BUIP073 | Fully re-weight BU's funds towards BCH | @Norway | 2017-11-13 | closed |
BUIP074 | Sell the Bitcoin Gold portion of BU's funds for BCH | @Windowly | 2017-11-16 | passed |
BUIP075 | Counter BUIP of BUIP071 | Gal Buki (@torusJKL) | 2017-11-13 | passed |
BUIP076 | Support Base32 address format in BUCash | Gal Buki (@torusJKL) | 2017-11-17 | passed |
BUIP077 | Enable representative tokens via OP_GROUP on Bitcoin Cash | Andrew Stone (@thezerg) | 2017-11-19 | passed |
BUIP078 | Enable Binary Contracts in Bitcoin Cash via OP_DATASIGVERIFY | Andrew Stone (@thezerg) | 2017-11-19 | passed |
BUIP079 | Publication of BUIP vote and election dates in advance | Gal Buki (@torusJKL) | 2017-11-19 | draft |
BUIP080 | New Members for Election #8 | Andrew Clifford (@solex) | 2017-11-24 | passed |
BUIP081 | Unambiguous definition of 1 year membership period | Gal Buki (@torusJKL) | 2017-11-26 | closed |
BUIP082 | opt-in malleability fix | Gal Buki (@torusJKL) | 2017-12-25 | draft |
BUIP083 | Andrew Clifford for President | Andrew Clifford (@solex) | 2018-01-06 | passed |
BUIP084 | Secure BCH coin splitting instructions | @79b79aa8 | 2017-01-11 | passed |
BUIP085 | Double spend relaying | Gal Buki (@torusJKL) | 2018-02-04 | passed |
BUIP086 | bitcoincash: URI format update | @Brendan Lee (sponsored by @torusJKL) | 2018-02-09 | passed |
BUIP087 | Utilization of "cash" denomination | @Ken Shishido | 2018-03-18 | passed |
BUIP088 | Double-spend proof creation and forwarding | Gal Buki (@torusJKL) | 2018-03-29 | passed |
BUIP089 | Blockchain Engineer Services Contract | Andrew Clifford (@solex) | 2018-04-21 | passed |
BUIP090 | New Members For Election #9 | Andrew Clifford (@solex) | 2018-04-25 | voted |
BUIP091 | Workshop on Instant Transactions for Bitcoin | Peter Rizun (@Peter R) | 2018-08-06 | passed |
BUIP092 | Move the official BU repository and issue tracker to GitLab | Gal Buki (@torusJKL) | 2018-08-01 | passed |
BUIP069 | Academic paper - Mining, Taxation and Public Goods in Bitcoin | Nicolai Dimitri (@Nic) | 2018-08-01 | closed |
BUIP093 | Specification - Graphene Relay | George Bissias (@bissias) and Brian Levine (@b-lev) | 2018-08-21 | draft |
BUIP094 | BCH November upgrade - Re-enable Op Codes | Andrew Clifford (@solex) | 2018-08-14 | passed |
BUIP095 | BCH November upgrade - CHECKDATASIG & CHECKDATASIGVERIFY | Andrew Clifford (@solex) | 2018-08-14 | passed |
BUIP096 | BCH November upgrade - Enforced lexicographic transaction ordering | Andrew Clifford (@solex) | 2018-08-14 | closed |
BUIP097 | New Members For Election #10 | Andrew Clifford (@solex) | 2018-08-21 | draft |
BUIP098 | Bitcoin Unlimited's Strategy for the November 2018 Hard Fork | Andrew Stone (@theZerg) | 2018-08-21 | draft |
BUIP101 | Set the default value of max blocksize cap (hard limit) to 10 terabyte | Norway | 2018-08-27 | draft |
BUIP103 | Let's Build BCH! Hackathon @ Satoshi's Coffee-house | Will C. (Bitcoin Cash Association Mod, sponsor: @solex | 2018-09-21 | draft |
BUIP104 | BUIP104: Re-elect Peter Rizun for BU Secretary | Peter Rizun | 2018-09-22 | draft |
BUIP105 | New Members For Election #11 | Andrew Clifford (@solex) | 2018-09-22 | draft |