
Smart AI conversation system grounded on domain database

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Smart AI conversation system grounded on domain database

Step 1 : Speech to Text

  • Tried open-source STT library DeepSpeech (streaming mode) and Google STT api (batch mode)

Step 2 : Custom Entity and Intent Recognition using Transformers Model

  • Data annotation for custom classes belonging to our entities and intents.
  • Trained and tested different transformers models like BERT, ConvBERT etc.
  • Worked on the limitations of the BERT like models to improve the result.

Step 3 :Belief State Tracking during Conversation

  • Data annotation for our belief state tracking and natural language response along with entities and intents collected so far during the conversation.
  • Vocabulary modification,T5 based tokenization and converting the data into a suitable .json format for training
  • Trained and tested an open-source T5 model on the above data

Step 4 : Natural Language Question Generation

  • For automatic querying SQL database grounded on intent,entity and belief state information, questions are generated in natural language which can be fed to the next step model which can write SQL query automatically.

Step 5 : Automatic SQL Query Generation

  • Tried different open-source NLP2SQL model to generate SQL Query just from natural language using Semantic Parsing.
  • Modified the open-source code in our favor and solved the issues faced during generating some complex query.
  • Fetching the required data from the database using the generated query.

Step 6 : Final Natural language Response Generation

  • Generaing final response for users grounded on actual data from the database

Step 7 : Text to Speech

  • Tried pyttsx3 and google speech api to convert text into speech for end users

Step 8 : Deployment

  • Tried to build a streamlit_webrtc based web application for streaming audio input and output