

Primary LanguageJavaMIT LicenseMIT


An initiative to save and help stray buddies

It is an app which helps in rescuing and providing medical aid to stray animals. It helps in finding nearest VET Clinics and Animal Welfare NGO based on user location. It has an integrated forum for posting Lost-Found animals, feature for story posting and communtiy, provides platform for animal adoptioin.

We often see animals suffering on streets, earching for food, shelter and also we tend to lack awareness about NGO and VETS and people who are genuinely looking for adopting animals So, to solve all these problems at once we have introduced an application with a effective UI and solution to all these problems.

Why this APP ???

  • Smooth User Experience
  • All in one solution to all problems
  • Options for interacting community
  • Post feature to reach out wider audience
  • Location based results

Technology Used

We have used :

  • Android Studio,
  • FIrebase and,


1st Runner up Real-World Problem solving @BinaryHacks'22


Prototype link : https://www.figma.com/proto/gcuA4QCPSsxKydsR7wRaaU/AniVoice?node-id=4%3A338&scaling=scale-down&page-id=0%3A1&starting-point-node-id=4%3A338

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